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Smart Technologies in Enhancing Browsing Experiences

Zona Kostic, Program Director at APUS, Research Scientist at Harvard University

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    Non-members: $20.00
    Length: 01:01:58
15 Jul 2020

Information search is an activity that involves various techniques and methods for finding new insights. Physical and digital spaces as different contexts provide unique advantages for search activities: the physical environment provides spatial layout and interaction with tangible objects, while online information applications support browsing and knowledge discovery.

This talk focuses on systems that aim (or could be used) to bridge the gap between physical and digital arenas, using digital data associated with physically situated objects, and transforming and visualizing this data in relation to a given context. Using portable devices or digital realities headsets, applications generate the object-related data visualizations for further exploration. With such systems and its interplay between real and digital realms, new avenues could be opened for creating in-situ immersive visual experiences.

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