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    Length: 02:49:08
Panel Session 18 Feb 2021

In this panel, the EV and EVSE business developers and academic researchers will talk about how regional electricity system operators (ISO’s), power utilities (PU’s), net-zero community developers, EV car manufacturers, EVSE providers, EV car drivers and smart grid/city researchers could work closely together to design, develop and deploy the necessary electrical infrastructure, bi-directional EV chargers and cyber-secure transactive energy platforms for trading energy as G2V and V2G services among the EVSE’s, EV-fleet and distribution grid operators (e.g., DSO’s) to optimally manage the upcoming 10-20 GW of peak load growth, due to adding 20 million EV cars in USA, over the next decade.
The panel take away include:
1. Assessment of the challenges and opportunities that 20 million EV cars will create over the next 10 years in north America.
2. Review of current EV-fleet management, G2V trading services and EVSE management platforms.
3. Solution proposals in terms of R&D, hardware/software development, electrical infrastructure and transactive energy platform development, testing and deployment as numerous pilot and proof-of-concept (POC) across north America.

Ashkan Rahimi Kian

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