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Modeling and Simulation to Support the Resiliency of the Electric Grid

Sharon Allan, Robert Broadwater, Steven Tyler, Luan Watson, Skip Dise

  • PES
    Members: $10.00
    IEEE Members: $20.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 21
Panel Session 16 Feb 2021

This panel will share lessons learned from a 3-year DOE project to create a system with architecture, algorithms, and control frameworks leading to best-practices for a resilient and secure power grid with an increasing penetration of renewable DERs. In moving to high penetration renewable generation, the power grid faces major challenges in cyber security and stability. Faster-than-real-time (FTRT), time series analysis (i.e., the time series analysis into the future is finished within the measurement sampling interval) of accurate power system models, in conjunction with bellwether measurements from across the grid, can provide the intelligence needed for rapidly detecting abnormalities, including cyber security breaches, and for managing voltage stability with rapidly changing generation. The advanced modeling and analytics will show that grid abnormalities and cybersecurity breaches can be discovered quicker than operational data alone. These models, techniques, and analysis will bolster grid resiliency and reliability. The team will talk about power flow analysis of accurate power system models that encompass, transmission, substations, primary distribution, and secondary distribution including time series analysis customer load and DERs. They will share how modeling from transmission through distribution to customer can be done and how accurate models can inform operations. Whereas past computation of large models has been compute intensive and time consuming the team will talk about the techniques that make this practical.

Sharon Allan

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