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Industry Panel: IND-PAN: AI for Mobile Communications

Moderator: Peiying Zhu, Huawei SVP, Huawei in Canada Panelists Geoffrey Ye Li, Imperial College London, U.K. Javan Erfanian, Bell Lab, Canada. Andreas Mueller, Bosch/5G-ACIA, Germany Sumei Sun, Institute for Infocomm Research/Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore Zhisheng Niu, Tsinghua University, China

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    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 01:52:47
07 May 2022

As society moves towards the Intelligence of Everything, artificial intelligence (AI) is the key to proliferating the intelligence of future mobile communications, delivering intelligence to every person, home, car, and business. We predict that 5.5G will provide basic AI functions to improve network performance and automate network management, while 6G will not only provide advanced AI functions, more importantly, 6G will be the platform for networked learning and interference and offer AI as a service. Through AI and integrated sensing, we will be able to build a real-time connection between the physical and digital worlds, enabling new usage scenarios such as digital twins, smart cities, environment reconstruction etc.., and transforming the connected world to the connected intelligence. This panel is to bring together researchers from industry and academia to present and discuss the latest researches?�on the AI for 6G&5.5G including standard status, use cases, technical progress and challenges, and research directions associated with challenges. Panel form: Moderator will give an introduction with 10 minutes, followed by 4-5 speeches from each panelist, each speech has 15 minutes, and the final Q&A phase (30-40 minutes) is for open issue discussion between panelists and audiences. ModeratorPeiying Zhu, Huawei SVP, Huawei in Canada Dr. Peiying Zhu is a Huawei Fellow and IEEE Fellow. She is currently leading 5G wireless system research in Huawei. The focus of her research is advanced wireless access technologies with more than 150 granted patents. She has been regularly giving talks and panel discussions on 5G vision and enabling technologies. Prior to joining Huawei in 2009, Peiying was a Nortel Fellow and Director of Advanced Wireless Access Technology in the Nortel Wireless Technology Lab. She led the team and pioneered research and prototyping on MIMO-OFDM and Multi-Hop Relays. Many of these technologies developed by the team have been adopted into LTE standards and 4G products. Peiying Zhu received the Master of Science degree and Doctorate Degree from Southeast University and Concordia University in 1985 and 1993, respectively.


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