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Wenxuan Li, Dongheng Zhang, Yadong Li, Zhi Wu, Jinbo Chen, Dong Zhang, Yang Hu, Qibin Sun, Yan Chen

  • SPS
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    Length: 00:08:38
08 May 2022

Fall is a severe health threat for elders' health care. While existing systems could achieve promising performance under specific scenarios, the required computing resources are usually not affordable, which is not applicable for real-time detection. In this paper, we propose mmFall, a real time fall detection system using millimeter wave signal which can achieve impressive accuracy with low computation complexity. Specifically, we first extract the signal variation corresponding to human activity with spatial-temporal processing. To enhance the system performance and robustness, we perform data augmentation by shifting, flipping, extracting and interpolating the signal. Finally, we design a light-weight convolutional neural network to achieve real-time fall detection. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system could achieve state-of-the-art performance with limited computation complexity.

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