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    Length: 00:05:24
09 Jun 2021

Crowd counting still confronts two primary challenges: limited ability to deal with cross density levels caused by fixed density maps and lack of fine-grained or coarse-grained guidance for density estimation. In this paper, a novel end-to-end crowd counting framework via multi-level regression with latent Gaussian maps is proposed, which is consisted of GaussianNet, EstimateNet and Discriminator. GaussianNet is composed of masked Gaussian convolutional blocks and vanillia convolutional layers, to generate latent Gaussian maps adaptively for various density levels. The latent Gaussian maps are then treated as the ground truth density maps for EstimateNet, which outputs density estimations and follows the principle of adversarial learning with Discriminator. Moreover, multi-level losses are combined for density map regression guidance. Extensive experiments on the major public datasets outperform state-of-the-art ones, illustrating the superior validity of the proposed framework.

Li Cheng

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