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Spectral Folding And Two-Channel Filter-Banks On Arbitrary Graphs

Eduardo Pavez, Benjamin Girault, Antonio Ortega, Philip A. Chou

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    Length: 00:13:53
08 Jun 2021

In the past decade, several multi-resolution representation theories for graph signals have been proposed. Bipartite filter-banks stand out as the most natural extension of time domain filter-banks, in part because perfect reconstruction, orthogonality and bi-orthogonality conditions in the graph spectral domain resemble those for traditional filter-banks. Therefore, many of the well known orthogonal and bi-orthogonal designs can be easily adapted for graph signals. A major limitation is that this framework can only be applied to the normalized Laplacian of bipartite graphs. In this paper we extend this theory to arbitrary graphs and positive semi-definite variation operators. Our approach is based on a different definition of the graph Fourier transform (GFT), where orthogonality is defined with respect to the Q inner product. We construct GFTs satisfying a spectral folding property, which allows us to easily construct orthogonal and bi-orthogonal perfect reconstruction filter-banks. We illustrate signal representation and computational efficiency of our filter-banks on 3D point clouds with hundreds of thousands of points.

Antonio Ortega

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