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A Large-Dimensional Analysis Of Symmetric Sne

Charles Séjourné, Romain Couillet, Pierre Comon

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    Length: 00:18:00
08 Jun 2021

Stochastic Neighbour Embedding methods (SNE, t-SNE) aim at finding a faithful low-dimensional representation of a high-dimensional dataset. Despite their popularity, being solution to a non-convex optimization, the behavior of these tools is not well understood. This work provides first answers by leveraging a large dimensional statistics approach, where the number n and dimension p of the large-dimensional data are of the same magnitude. We derive and study the canonical equation verified by the critical points of this non-convex optimization problem. The study notably reveals that, in a simple setup, the achievable SNE solutions correspond to a subset of those critical points. In particular, when the clusters composing the dataset are balanced in size, these solutions are symmetrical and assume closed-form expressions. As a major conclusion, the analysis rigorously proves along-standing heuristic statement on the “proper normalization” of the symmetric SNE: out of two natural normalization choices, only the claimed proper one leads to non-trivial solutions.

Yunxin Zhao

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