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Optimization and Learning in Networked Transactive Energy

* 21PESGM2425, Distributed Learning over Networked Cyber-physical Transcative Energy systems: J. MOHAMMADI, Carnegie Mellon University * 21PESGM2452, Transactive Community Micro-grids to Share Energy Storage Resources in Portugal: P. MOURA, University of Coimbra * 21PESGM2952, On Applying Transactive Energy Systems to System Resilience: A. RAHIMI-KIAN, I-EMS Group Ltd * 21PESGM2454, CityLearn: Standardizing Research in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Demand Response and Urban Energy Management: Z. NAGY, The University of Texas at Austin * 21PESGM2961, On Applying Transactive Energy Systems to System Resilience

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29 Jul 2021

It is expected that the future electric grid would differ from the current system by the increased integration of Distributed Energy Resource (DER)s and communications and sensing technologies. This transition from the operational perspective means increased uncertainty and more actuation points, intelligent entities and decisions to make. Transactive Energy paradigm enables a wide-range of power grid entities (from home-owners with solar PV to grid operators) to collaborate and compete to provide cost effective electricity with high reliability. A key question that needs to be answered is how the sensing and networking can be used efficiently to ensure a reliable and secure operation of Transactive Energy systems despite the challenges imposed by inherent intermittency of DERs. In this session, panelists from academia, industry and national labs will answer this question from different prespectives including scalability, resilience and practically.

Javad Mohammadi, Carnegie Mellon University
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