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Modelling and stability analysis of HVDC Transmission converters using analytical methods

* 21PESGM2401, Analytical phasor model of MMC-based DC-DC converter for DC transmission grids: D. JOVCIC, University of Aberdeen, UK: A. JAMSHIDIFAR, University of Aberdeen, UK * 21PESGM2402, Utilisation of a DC side impedance measurement approach for enhancing the control interoperability in a MTDC network: F. LOKU, RWTH Aachen * 21PESGM2403, Stability Analysis of DC/AC Coupled Systems Employing 3 by 3 Admittance Matrices: L. FAN, University of South Florida * 21PESGM2404, Equal-Area Criterion for Transient Stability Assessment of Hybrid AC-DC Transmission System Using MMC: K. STRUNZ, Technical University of Berlin

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29 Jul 2021

HVDC transmission systems are increasingly deployed to integrate large-scale renewable power plants and they are evolving in complex DC transmission grids with new components. Dynamic interactions between HVDC components and AC transmission grids tend to introduce a series of stability challenges, due to the wide-timescale control dynamics of HVDC converters. Analytical methods thus become important to shed clear insight into dynamic impacts of converter control loops and understanding of new DC grid components like DC/DC converters. This panel session intends to provide a venue for discussing the latest progress and challenges on analytical approaches to stability of HVDC transmission systems.

Dragan Jovcic, University of Aberdeen, UK, Xiongfei Wang, Aalborg University, Denmark
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