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Rotating Machine Application for Renewables - Part 1

* 21PESGM2741, Rotating machines applications for renewables – An introduction: K. CHEN, Siemens Energy * 21PESGM2742, Benefits of modern pumped storage-used type of machines and converters: A. SCHWERY , GE renewable energy * 21PESGM2743, Rotating solutions providing essential ancillary services for stabilizing low inertia grids: M. KOWALSKI, Siemens Energy * 21PESGM2745, Drivetrain selection for wind turbine generation: D. TORREY , GE research * 21PESGM2797, Electric Machine for Oscillating Water Column power generation: E. MULJADI, Auburn University * 21PESGM2798, Opportunities for Integrated Machine Drives in Grid-Forming Hybrid Microsources: T. JAHNS, University of Wisconsin - Madison

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    Non-members: $20.00
26 Jul 2021

This panel will cover rotating machines and their applications in high-renewable grids. Technologies include synchronous condensers, pumped-storage generators, flywheels, and other novel synchronous as well as asynchronous machine based solutions to answer the weak grid problem. The impact of these technologies on the grid, particularly concerning weak grids, small signal damping, and low inertia systems will be discussed among technology innovators and system experts from manufacturers, academics, national labs, and consultants. Comparison on cost, operational challenge, technology readiness/availability, performance differences will also be a focus and discussed and debated among different technologies. Part 1 will be recorded session which will feature all presentations. And Part 2 will be a live session to facilitate expert discussions.

Kay Chen, Siemens Energy
Sponsor Committees:
Electric Machinery

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