Instant online access to hundreds of technical titles
IEEE and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., have partnered to offer you online access to more than 1,250 eBooks via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. This eBooks collection spans numerous content areas, including bioengineering, power and energy, and communication technologies, among other growing areas of research.
The IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library is available as an add-on to an existing IEEE Xplore subscription or as a stand-alone subscription.

Features and Benefits
The IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library focuses on the content areas that lead today's cutting-edge technologies and help set the standards for future advancements. Subscribers can stay up-to-date on a wide variety of technology areas and take advantage of these key benefits:
- One-stop access to more than 1,250 titles, with up to 70 new titles introduced each year
- Choose from two subscription options, an annual lease or perpetual access
- More than 23,200 individual chapters available in PDF format
- Search by title, subject, or keyword to quickly find and download relevant chapters within larger eBooks
- The collection includes practical handbooks, introductory and advanced texts, reference works, and professional books
- Cutting-edge titles on emerging technologies, authored by leaders in the field
- Backlist to 1974 with more than 72% of titles published since 2007
- Available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, where you can find thousands of articles on related topics
- Now includes IEEE Computer Society Press (CSP) and IEEE Standards Information Network (SIN) eBooks
- KBART and MARC records available via OCLC
* This list is subject to change; some titles may move to 2025 or be removed entirely. This list is partial and more titles will be added later this year.
IEEE-Wiley Partnership
IEEE Press publishes technical books in all of the fields served by IEEE. Since 2001, IEEE Press has published its works jointly with John Wiley & Sons, Inc., bringing the work of IEEE authors to the worldwide technology community. The IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library delivered via IEEE Xplore provides access to a specially selected set of hundreds of titles from the Wiley-IEEE Press Imprint.*
* Please note: Some Wiley-IEEE Press imprint titles are not included in the IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library delivered via IEEE Xplore due to either author request or other considerations. Click here to download a list of Wiley-IEEE Press titles not available via IEEE Xplore.

How to Subscribe
The IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library is available as an add-on to an existing subscription or as a stand-alone subscription via IEEE Xplore. Choose the subscription option that best meets your needs:
Annual Subscription Option:
2025 Single-site Price US$9,550
The annual subscription option provides leased access to current year IEEE-Wiley eBooks plus leased access to the backlist of over 1,250 titles.
Purchase Option with Perpetual Access:
2025 Single-site Price US$23,915
The purchase option provides perpetual access to current year IEEE-Wiley eBooks plus perpetual access to the backlist of over 1,250 titles. Expand your collection by purchasing new frontlist titles each year.