August 8, 2018

Teens are embracing artificial intelligence and emerging technologies in their daily communications, gaming, and entertainment. But how do they feel about using AI for their healthcare in the future?

Some key findings from our second annual Generation AI study were presented to two teenagers, Noah, 17 and Joanne, 15, then we asked them to share their views. This is what they had to say:

Q: Would you use AI to diagnose a health problem?

“Yes, you always hear about doctors being wrong,” said Joanne. “But Watson,” she said of IBM’s supercomputer, “always wins in Jeopardy. That has to tell you something.”

“That’s right,” said Noah. “A robot, if programmed correctly, will not make as many mistakes as humans.”

“The world is evolving; humans are evolving,” said Joanne.

Q: Would you outfit your children with wearables for health reasons?

“Sure, why not,” shrugged Noah, who did not see any issues with using wearables as early as infancy. “When the kids get older, AI can also tell them when to drink more or when to eat more or less.”

Both teens also said they would trust doctors using AI data to make recommendations regarding life or death decisions concerning their loved ones. But Noah was quick to say he would not let AI itself make life or death decisions when it comes to his parents; “I should be in charge of those decisions,” he said. “If my parents entrusted their care to me, I would make those decisions.”

Q: Do you believe that AI could eliminate cancer during your lifetime?

Their answer was unequivocally yes. Joanne said it best: “Anything’s possible.”

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