April 25, 2017

IEEE has strong roots that date back to 1884, when electricity was becoming a major influence in society. Since then, technology has evolved exponentially, with new inventions and ideas emerging almost daily by trailblazers such as engineers, scientists, allied professionals, computer scientists, software developers, information technologists, physicists, medical doctors, and many others.

Since 1917, IEEE has been honoring trailblazers who have inspired the global community by moving technology and innovations forward.

IEEE honors the best of the best with their highest award, the IEEE Medal of Honor, sponsored by the IEEE Foundation, for an exceptional contribution or an extraordinary career in the fields of science and technology.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the IEEE Medal of Honor—a tremendous event. Below is a list of some notable recipients from over the years; a complete list can be found at: http://www.ieee.org/about/awards/medals/medalofhonor.html

Edwin H. Armstrong: 1917

“In recognition of his work and publications dealing with the action of the oscillating and non-oscillating audio.”

Louis W. Austin: 1927

“For his pioneer work in the quantitative measurement and correlation of factors involved in radio wave transmission.”

Melville Eastham: 1937

“For his pioneer work in the field of radio measurements, his constructive influence on laboratory practice in communication engineering, and his unfailing support of the aims and ideals of the Institute.”

Lawrence C. F. Horle: 1948

“For his contributions to the radio industry in standardization work, both in peace and war, particularly in the field of electron tubes, and for his guidance of a multiplicity of technical committees into effective action.”

Albert W. Hull: 1958

“For outstanding scientific achievement and pioneering inventions and development in the field of electron tubes.”

Gordon K. Teal: 1968

“For his contributions to single crystal germanium and silicon technology and the single crystal grown junction transistor.”

Robert Noyce: 1978

“For his contributions to the silicon integrated circuit, a cornerstone of modern electronics.”

Calvin Quate: 1988

“For the invention and development of the scanning acoustic microscope.”

Donald O. Pederson: 1998

“For creation of the SPICE Program, universally used for the computer aided design of circuits.”

Gordon E Moore: 2008

“For pioneering technical roles in integrated-circuit processing, and leadership in the development of MOS memory, the microprocessor computer and the semiconductor industry.”

Mildred Dresselhaus: 2015

“For leadership and contributions across many fields of science and engineering.”

David Forney, Jr.: 2016

“For pioneering contributions to the theory of error-correcting codes and the development of reliable high-speed data communications.”

Kees Schouhamer Immink: 2017

“For pioneering contributions to video, audio, and data recording technology, including compact disc, DVD, and Blu-ray.”

The 2017 IEEE Honors Ceremony will be broadcast live on 25 May 2017 at 7:00 p.m. PDT, courtesy of IEEE.tv via IEEE Transmitter.


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