May 30, 2024

For decades, IEEE has served as the professional home for technologists around the world. It has served as a home in one very important sense of the word: Like a home, IEEE has nurtured young people as they’ve taken the first steps in their professional journey and contributed to lifelong career growth. 

Here, three IEEE members answer a single question: What makes IEEE your professional home? Their answers show how early involvement with IEEE was the springboard for their career trajectory.

Filippo Sanfilippo, IEEE Senior Member: My journey with IEEE started when I became a student member, a time in which I won numerous awards, including research scholarships. Afterward, I actively participated in the IEEE Norway section. I am currently a member of the IEEE Region 8 Chapter Coordination Committee, the IEEE Public Visibility Committee, the IEEE R8 Awards and Recognitions Committee, and the Professional and Educational Activities Committee. It’s the career development opportunities and awards that continue to motivate me. 

I consider IEEE my professional home because of its global network, its leading-edge research publications and its opportunities for professional development. In my opinion, IEEE provides a platform for collaboration, growth and recognition, making it an invaluable part of my professional journey.

Scott Tamashiro, IEEE Senior Member: One benefit of IEEE membership is that it allows you to try out and develop new skills — by giving presentations or writing, for example—without worrying about job performance or ‘failing’ while trying new things. For me, IEEE has served as a gateway to meeting new and bright engineers worldwide. I find IEEE is not only my professional home but also my social home, thanks to the great people I have met over the years.  

Bibin Parukoor Thomas, IEEE Member: I landed my first real-world job through an IEEE referral. I started my journey from my student branch in 2008 and later joined the IEEE Young Professionals groups, which allowed me to work with a wide range of people with different skills and knowledge. The experiences opened my eyes to a new world of personal and professional growth opportunities. 

The personal connections I’ve made throughout the years are what I hold close to my heart and carry on to this day. That feeling of a whole community you can access anytime is a true joy. Hence IEEE remains an essential part of my life.

As an active IEEE volunteer for almost 15 years, I’ve cherished the networking part the most.

Get Involved: Explore the many ways that IEEE can serve as your professional home.

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