Bldg: University Center, 65 Chancellors Cir, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2

YP Visits UMIEEE! Join us for dinner at Degrees at UofM then for a visit to the UMIEEE Lab/Lounge for games/networking. In order to reserve enough seats for dinner, please register for this event or email Jolene at [email protected]. Bldg: University Center, 65 Chancellors Cir, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2


Bldg: University Center, 65 Chancellors Cir, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2

YP Visits UMIEEE! Join us for dinner at Degrees at UofM then for a visit to the UMIEEE Lab/Lounge for games/networking. In order to reserve enough seats for dinner, please register for this event or email Jolene at [email protected]. Bldg: University Center, 65 Chancellors Cir, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2

Uso de incentivos fiscais para inovar em empresas e instituições públicas

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/437415

Palestrante: Hugo Roque da Silva Biografia: Atualmente, atua como consultor científico em atividades de P&D pela GT Group, com foco na Lei do Bem. É mestrando em Engenharia Elétrica pela UFSJ/CEFET-MG, com ênfase em análise e modelagem de sistemas, voltado para energias renováveis e integração de tecnologias fotovoltaicas em construções. Além disso, desenvolve atividades como […]

IEEE Mentorship & Mentee Mixer and Talk

Glendale 6000 California City Blvd, California City, CA, United States

IEEE Mentorship & Mentee Mixer and Talk 6pm-7pm - Job Search Strategies and Resume Improvement Presentation with Q/A 7pm-8:30pm - Networking and Collaboration Event Impact Includes: 1. Expand professional network by meeting fellow scientists, engineers, researchers, and professionals from diverse backgrounds and institutions. 2. Gain mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals regarding career development, and […]

ULL Event: Skills You Need to Have to Become a Published Author in Academia

Room: 215, Bldg: H L Griffin Hall, Rex Street, Lafayette, Louisiana, United States, 70503

Speaker Details Dr. Martin Margala Professor of Computer Science Director of School of Computing and Informatics Endowed Chair of Computer Science Eminent Scholar Fulbright Distinguished Chair Room: 215, Bldg: H L Griffin Hall, Rex Street, Lafayette, Louisiana, United States, 70503

ULL Event: Skills You Need to Have to Become a Published Author in Academia

Room: 215, Bldg: H L Griffin Hall, Rex Street, Lafayette, Louisiana, United States, 70503

Speaker Details Dr. Martin Margala Professor of Computer Science Director of School of Computing and Informatics Endowed Chair of Computer Science Eminent Scholar Fulbright Distinguished Chair Room: 215, Bldg: H L Griffin Hall, Rex Street, Lafayette, Louisiana, United States, 70503

Tour of National Grid's Gardenville 115kV Substation

Bldg: Gardenville 115kV Substation, 885 Indian Church Road, West Seneca, New York, United States, 14224

"Tour National Grid's Gardenville 115kV Station" Please join us for a tour of our newly built Gardenville 115kV Station. A maximum of 25 personnel will be accepted. Reservations by Monday, October 7th at 4 pm with Steve Rhoads by e-mail at: [email protected] Safety: The substation is energized and you will be escorted by a qualified […]

Tour of National Grid's Gardenville 115kV Substation

Bldg: Gardenville 115kV Substation, 885 Indian Church Road, West Seneca, New York, United States, 14224

"Tour National Grid's Gardenville 115kV Station" Please join us for a tour of our newly built Gardenville 115kV Station. A maximum of 25 personnel will be accepted. Reservations by Monday, October 7th at 4 pm with Steve Rhoads by e-mail at: [email protected] Safety: The substation is energized and you will be escorted by a qualified […]

2ª Reunião Seccional de Ramos e de Jovens Profissionais da Seção Minas Gerais

Bldg: Anfiteatro do Campus Santo Antônio da UFSJ, Praça Frei Orlando 170, Centro, São João del-Rei., São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil

2ª Reunião Seccional dos Ramos Estudantis e dos Jovens Profissionais da Seção IEEE Minas Gerais Promoção: SAC IEEE Minas Gerais, Ramo Estudantil IEEE da UFSJ, YP, WIE Profissional Participação: Ramos Estudantis (UFJF, UFSJ, UFMG), Ramos em Processo de Petição (UFOP, CEFET-MG), YP, WIE Profissional Link de Inscrição: https://bit.ly/RSRMG2024 Link do Folder: https://bit.ly/folderrsrmg2024vf Agenda: Link de […]