Thank you to Asad, Taj and Jamal Madni for establishing an HKN Scholarship Award which will benefit IEEE-HKN members! Dr. Asad Madni and his family are great friends of IEEE-HKN and inaugurated the Asad M. Madni Outstanding Technical Achieve and Excellence Award. Dr. Asad M. Madni is an IEEE-HKN Eminent Member and recipient of the HKN Vladimar Karapatoff Achievement Award and the IEEE Medal of Honor.
The IEEE-HKN Madni Family Scholarship is awarded to HKN students who show exceptional scholarship, service to their communities, and a commitment to HKN. Each year, up to 3 qualified undergraduate students and up to two qualified graduate students may be chosen as recipients of this prestigious scholarship. The amount of the scholarship is $1,000 and may be used to help offset school expenses such as tuition, books, and student fees. The annual selection of scholarship recipients will be administered by IEEE-HKN.