Smart Distribution Systems
The second module focuses on distribution: visibility and data for a self-Healing grid and addresses the standards and communication protocols that support a strong grid in which intelligent electronic devices, or IEDs, are integrated with the ICT foundation for visibility into distribution system functions. This section delves into the principles and practices of cybersecurity, including customers' data privacy. Module 2 takes a deep dive into six holistic solutions for efficiency, reliability, and resiliency and the flexible data communication architecture that enables them to meet utility challenges.
What you will learn:
- Explain the key concepts of modern distribution systems
- Discuss fundamental solutions to address utility challenges
- Describe increasing operational and consumer demands on the distribution system
This course is part of the following course program:
Modernizing the Smart Grid
Courses included in this program:
Who should attend: Electrical engineer, software, Security engineer, Design engineer, Network engineer, AI/ML engineer, Computer engineer
![John D. McDonald Photo](
John McDonald
John McDonald is the Smart Grid Business Development Leader for GE Power's Grid Solutions business. John brings his 44 years of full-time work experience in electric power system automation to this course. John is a Life Fellow of IEEE, which he joined in 1971 as an undergraduate Electrical Engineering student at Purdue University. John was the IEEE Power & Energy Society President in 2006-2007, and has written 100 articles and papers, and co-authored five books.
Publication Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-1-5386-8557-0