The “x” in SPAx is a variable. It could be a conference with an invited speaker, a series of activities focused on honing career skills, a social event to foster networking and team building skills, a design contest, or any other format, as long as they focus on career development. You decide what works for your student branch, and IEEE gives you the support to implement your ideas. You create your own SPAx events, and the experience is yours to design. Here is your tour guide to all things SPAx.
If the following are included in your SPAx event plan, it will be more likely to receive SPAx funding.
- Promote the IEEE Students to IEEE Young Professionals transition
- An IEEE Membership drive
- At least 2 speakers
Hosting your own event is not only a fantastic experience, it is a fantastic resume booster. Try to get some real world companies to sponsor your event, and bring out some potential hiring recruiters. The possibilities are endless.
Apply for funding Report a SPAx Event View Virtual Speaker list Become A Virtual Speaker