Article Sharing Policy

Article sharing enables scholarly collaboration and is essential to the progression of research. Articles we publish can be shared at every stage of publication, and the ways this can be done are described below. Gold open access articles can be shared anywhere without embargo as long as the embedded Creative Commons license remains in place.

For Authors

You can share your article at every stage of publication - details about this can be found below. You may share any version of your article with individual colleagues and students if you are asked for a copy, as part of teaching and training at your institution (excluding open online sharing), and as part of a grant application, submission of thesis, or doctorate. For public sharing of your article, please see the relevant sections below.

Submitted Version: the author's version that has not been peer-reviewed, nor had any value added to it by Wiley, such as formatting or copy editing):

Authors may post their submitted manuscript at any time on their personal website, in their company or institutional repository, in not-for-profit subject-based preprint servers or repositories, and on Scholarly Communication Networks (SCNs) which have signed up to the STM sharing principles. Authors may wish to add a note about acceptance by the journal and upon publication. It is recommended that authors add a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) link back to the final article so users with access to Wiley Online Library may access the final version of record and make use of the fully networked research environment. The deposited version may not be updated to look like the final version of record. While this is the copyright policy, individual journals may operate different editorial policies with respect to preprints, and authors should consult the relevant author guidelines.

Accepted Version: the version that incorporates all amendments made during the peer review process, but prior to the final published version:

Before the embargo* has passed authors may, in addition to posting metadata for the article, post the Accepted Version as a closed deposit (hidden until the embargo lifts) on their personal website, in their company or institutional repository, in not-for-profit subject-based preprint servers or repositories, and may share the article in private research groups including those on SCNs which have signed up to the STM sharing principles. The private research groups must be formed by invitation for a specific research purpose and be of a size that is typical for research groups within the discipline. Sharing of articles must be limited to members of the group only. The SCNs which have signed up to the sharing principles are required to provide COUNTER compliant usage data to Wiley by agreement.

After the embargo has passed, the Accepted Version may be made public on these sites. The article must include a note and DOI link on the first page (see the self-archiving policy for more details) and must not be made to look like the final version of record.

*There is an embargo period of 12 months from publication for scientific, medical, and technical (STM) journals and 24 months from publication for social science and humanities (SSH) journals. Please note that while this is the current standard Wiley policy and applies to all Wiley-owned journals, society journals set their own embargo periods and some may be different. To find out the embargo policy of your journal, refer to the Author Compliance Tool.

Final Version of Record (the final published version):

This version may be shared within private research collaboration groups, including those on SCNs which have signed up to the STM sharing principles.

The private groups must be formed by invitation for a specific research purpose and be of a size that is typical for research groups within the discipline. Sharing of articles must be limited to members of the group only. The SCNs which have signed up to the sharing principles are required to provide COUNTER compliant usage data to Wiley by agreement.

There should be no public posting of final articles other than by agreement with Wiley unless the article is published under a Gold Open Access model.

For Researchers

In accordance with the STM article sharing principles, researchers* with legitimate access to Wiley subscription articles may share the articles within private research groups, including those on SCNs which have signed up to the sharing principles.

The private groups must be formed by invitation for a specific research purpose and be of a size that is typical for research groups within the discipline. Sharing of articles must be limited to members of the group only. The SCNs which have signed up to the sharing principles are required to provide COUNTER compliant usage data to Wiley by agreement.

There should be no public posting of final articles other than by agreement with Wiley unless the article is published under a Gold Open Access model.

*Commercial users should ensure that they or their organization have been properly licensed by Wiley or by a third-party to share articles in private research collaboration groups.