Tag: Power and Energy

Guide for the Definition of Resiliency and Measuring the Resiliency of the Electrical Distribution System

This guide provides a definition of resiliency for electric power distribution systems. It also covers how to measure and report resiliency metrics.

IEEE Recommended Practice for Medium Voltage (1.5 kV to 35 kV) DC Transformers

The functional, performance, and test requirements for 1.5kV to 35kV medium-voltage dc transformers are specified and the definitions, topology and configuration, primary equipment, control and protection requirements, interface specifications, auxiliary…

Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substation Buswork

This document provides recommended practices for the engineering and design of flexible and rigid bus connections for bus and equipment in electric power substations located in seismically active areas. It…

IEEE Standard for Household Appliance Customer Data Assetization Requirements

This standard governs the use, management, and privacy of customer data from household appliances during data assetization.

IEEE Standard for Blockchain-Based Hepatobiliary Disease Data Extraction and Exchange

Liver and gallbladder diseases affect more than one billion people around the world, but there is still a lack of successful experience and models in terms of data standardization, integration,…

Standard for Troubleshooting Touch Operation Issues for Mobile Gaming

This standard specifies touch events, parameters, procedures and interfaces that facilitate troubleshooting helping and improve the accuracy of touchscreen operation for mobile gaming. Furthermore, this standard defines the data format…

IEEE Standard for Performance Evaluation of Biometric Information: Facial Recognition

Requirements and testing methods for a facial recognition testing system for end user devices are discussed in this standard. System and security requirements, algorithm testing, testing methods, and criteria-level definitions…

IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for the Design of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems: Voltage Considerations

This recommended practice contains information concerning system voltage nomenclature and the preferred voltage ratings of distribution apparatus and utilization equipment. This is essential to proper voltage identification throughout a power…

Standard for High Voltage Direct Current Circuit Breakers Above 3200 Vdc

This standard is applicable to direct current circuit breakers designed for indoor or outdoor installation on systems having voltages above 3200 Vdc. This standard specifies ratings, requirements for structure and…
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