Tag: Power and Energy

IEEE Standard for Haptic Interface Enhancement for Mobile Gaming

Vendor-independent profiles and parameters of haptic interfaces that enhance the haptic feedback for mobile gaming are specified in this standard. Furthermore, messages and protocols that transfer and convert hardware properties…

IEEE Standard for Secure Computing Based on Trusted Execution Environment

A framework of TEE-based secure computing system, and technical requirements of a general secure computing platform for isolation, confidentiality, compatibility, performance, usability, and security aspects are specified in this standard.…

IEEE Standard for Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices–General Requirements for Software Framework, Components, and Integration

This standard specifies the general technical framework, components, integration, and main business processes of augmented reality systems applied to mobile devices, and defines its technical requirements, including functional requirements, performance…

IEEE Standard for Performance Evaluation of Biometric Information: Fingerprint Recognition

The components of a fingerprint test system for smart devices, such as a mobile phone are specified in this standard. Test system requirements are specified together with criteria for performance…

Standard for General Requirements of Evaluating Intelligent Performance of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances

This standard provides a framework for evaluating the intelligent performance of household and similar electrical appliances. This standard specifies definitions, terminologies, function, purpose, parameters, indicators, an evaluation system, evaluation model,…

Standard for Requirements of Evaluating Intelligent Performance of Air Conditioners

This standard specifies the terms, test environments, equipment requirements, test methods, and data processing requirements related to evaluation methods for the intelligent performance of air conditioners. The methods in this…

Standard for Requirements of Evaluating Intelligent Performance of Refrigeration Appliances

This standard specifies the terms, test environments, equipment requirements, test methods, and data processing requirements related to evaluation methods for the intelligent performance of refrigeration appliances. The methods in this…

IEEE Standard for the Electrical Protection of Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations Through the Use of Hybrid Facilities – Amendment 1

Safe and reliable methods for the electrical protection of telecommunication facilities serving electric supply locations through the use of metallic wire-line components in part of the telecommunication circuit, and optical…

IEEE Draft Guide for Establishing, Benchmarking and Maintaining a Work Program for Energized Transmission Lines

This guide describes the necessary elements for developing a live working program on ac transmission systems.
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