Tag: Power and Energy

IEEE Guide for Evaluation of Solvents Used for Cleaning Electrical Cables and Accessories

Test procedures for evaluating the physical characteristics of cable-cleaning solvents and their compatibility with extruded dielectric cable components and cable accessories (joints and terminations) are provided in this guide. Compatibility…

IEEE Standard for Relays, Relay Systems, and Control Devices used for Protection and Control of Electric Power Apparatus–Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) and Electrical Fast Transient (EFT) Requirements and Tests

Design tests for relays, relay systems, and control devices used for protection and control of electric power apparatus that relate to the immunity of this equipment to repetitive electrical transients…

IEEE Standard for Electrostatic Discharge Tests for Protective Relays

Described in this standard are test procedure, test point selection, test level, and acceptance criteria for repeatable electrostatic discharge immunity evaluations for tabletop and floor-standing protective relay equipment. Simulator characteristics…

IEEE Draft Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Transmission Lines

Concepts and applications of AC transmission line protection are presented in this guide. Many important issues, such as coordination of settings, operating times, characteristics of relays, mutual coupling of lines,…

IEEE Draft Guide for Determining Fault Location on AC Transmission and Distribution Lines

Electrical faults on transmission and distribution lines are detected and isolated by system protective devices. Once the fault has been cleared, outage times can be reduced if the location of…

Standard for Metal-Enclosed Bus

This standard covers assemblies of metal-enclosed (ME) conductors along with associated interconnections, enclosures, and supporting structures. The types of assemblies covered are nonsegregated-phase bus, segregated-phase bus, isolated-phase bus, and cable…

IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for Power Quality Data Interchange Format (PQDIF)

A file format suitable for exchanging power quality related measurement and simulation data in a vendor independent manner is defined in this recommended practice. The format is designed to represent…

Guide for Determining the Effects of Elevated Temperature Operation on Conductors, Connectors, and Accessories

This guide describes the effects and impacts of elevated temperature operation on conductors, connectors, and accessories. The guide identifies operating metrics which constitute elevated temperature operation based on present industry…

IEEE Draft Guide for Technology Methods for Power Quality Improvement in Electric Power Systems

This guide provides an overview of devices, technology methods, and appropriate circuit configurations used as solutions in electric power systems for the purpose of mitigating power quality problems including voltage…
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