Tag: Power and Energy

IEEE/IEC Draft International Standard for Transformers and Inductors for use in Electronic and Telecommunication Equipment – Measuring Methods and Test Procedures

This document describes a number of tests for use in determining the significant parameters and performance characteristics of transformers and inductors for use in electronics and telecommunication equipment. These test…

American National Standard Performance Specifications for Instrumentation Systems Designed for Measuring Radon Progeny in Air

Minimum performance requirements and performance testing requirements are specified in this standard for instruments designed to measure radon progeny in air. Inasmuch as the health effects of exposure to radon…

Recommended Practice for Energy Storage Management Systems in Energy Storage Applications

This document provides a recommended practice for the development and deployment of Energy Storage Management Systems (ESMS) in grid applications. It includes a set of core functions of ESMS software…

Guide for Securing Generic Object Oriented System Events (GOOSE) and Sampled Values (SV) Protocols of IEC 61850 using IEC 62351-6 and IEC 62351-9

This guide provides information for suppliers and implementors on applying security from the most recently published versions of IEC 62351-6 and IEC 62351-9 to GOOSE (IEC 61850-8-1), R-GOOSE (IEC 61850-8-1),…

Guide for Technology of Alternating Current Standard Signal Sources with Digital Output

This guide specifies basic principles, application objectives, function, performance, and test methods for Alternating Current (AC) standard signal sources with digital output. This guide applies to AC standard signal sources…

IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for On-load Capacity Switching Distribution Transformers

This recommended practice provides guidance and references for the design, manufacture, testing and selection of oil-immersed on-load capacity switching distribution transformers with rated frequency of 50 Hz/60 Hz, voltages of…

IEEE Guide for Audible Sound of Liquid-Immersed Power Transformers

Information on sources of no-load and load sound in liquid-immersed power transformers is provided in this guide. Industry standards that deal with transformer sound and factors affecting sound levels of…

Guide for Converter Station Fittings of Ultra-high Voltage (above or equal to 800 kV) Direct Current Power Transmission Projects

This guide specifies the terms and definitions of converter station fittings in Ultra-high Voltage Direct Current (UHVDC) transmission projects of nominal voltage above or equal to 800 kV. It also…

IEEE Draft Guide for Application of Direct Current (DC) Network Topology Protection in DC Distribution Grids

An approach to apply the DC network topology protection typically in DC distribution grids is documented in this guide. The intention of this document is to serve as a base…
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