Terms defined in the approved IEEE standards issued by all IEEE standards-generating bodies and accredited standards committees. Additional technical terms already present in the current edition of the dictionary. Acronyms…
Statistical analyses of data from thermally accelerated aging tests are described. The basis and use of statistical calculations are explained. Data analysis, estimation of the relationship between life and temperature,…
Electronics wideband transformers transmitting power within a wide band of frequencies covering typically at least one decade in the frequency spectrum are covered in this standard.
Superseded by 112-1991. Instructions are given for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptable tests to determine the performance characteristics of polyphase induction motors and generators. Electrical measurements,…
Superseded by 112-1996 and 112-2004. Instructions are given for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptable tests to determine the performance characteristics of polyphase induction motors and generators.…
Instructions are given for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptable tests to determine the performance characteristics of polyphase induction motors and generators. Electrical measurements, performance testing, temperature…