This standard covers the general parameters and characteristics associated with telephone loops from the subscriber signaling and analog voice frequency interface to the local Class 5 switch interface. It includes…
The guide includes definitions, application of loads, structure application, characteristics of natural wood and laminated wood members, design stresses, fabrication of laminated wood members, connections, nonwood members, erection and framing,…
This standard is intended to aid the electric power industry in reporting and evaluating electric generating unit reliability, availability, and productivity. It was developed to overcome present difficulties in the…
The design criteria of the preferred power supply (PPS) and its interfaces with the Class 1E power system, switchyard, transmission system, and alternate ac (AAC) source are described. This standard…
This guide has mainly been written as an applications manual for engineers and authors who will be writing test procedures in ATLAS. The beginning chapters are also intended to provide…
Guidance in the use of ATLAS test languages is provided. ATLAS may be used to describe test requirements independent of any specific test equipment, and examples of best practice in…
Guidelines for evaluating electrical insulation materials that are subjected to more than one significant aging stress are provided. The focus is on materials or equipment intended for use in nuclear…
Superseded by IEEE Std 776-1992. The inductive environment that exists in the vicinity of electric power and wire-line telecommunications systems and the interfering effects that may be produced are addressed.…