Tag: Power and Energy

IEEE Guide for Application and Specification of Harmonic Filters

Guidelines for specification of components, protection, and control of harmonic filters are provided. This guide applies to the use of 50 Hz and 60 Hz passive shunt power harmonic filters…

IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitors

Recommended practices for specifying Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) installations used in series with transmission lines are provided. Ratings for TCSC thyristor valve assemblies, capacitors, and reactors as well as TCSC…

IEEE Guide for Determination of Maximum Winding Temperature Rise in Liquid-Filled Transformers

Provides guidance for determining the hottest-spot temperature in distribution and power transformers built in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000. Describes the important criteria to be evaluated by any thermal model…

IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems

This standard is the first in the 1547 series of interconnection standards and is a benchmark milestone demonstrating the open consensus process for standards development. Traditionally, utility electric power systems…

IEEE Guide for Investigating and Analyzing Power Cable, Joint, and Termination Failures on Systems Rated 5 kV Through 46 kV

This guide will discuss the importance of failure analysis on cable, joints, and terminations used in power systems rated 5kV through 46kV. Users should review the definitions and technical papers…

IEEE Standard for Digital Test Interchange Format (DTIF)

The information content and the data formats for the interchange of digital test program data between digital automated test program generators (DATPGs) and automatic test equipment (ATE) for board-level printed…

IEEE Standard Definitions for the Measurement of Electric Power Quantities under Sinusoidal, Non-Sinusoidal, Balanced, or Unbalanced Conditions

This is a standard for definitions used for measurement of electric power quantities under sinusoidal, non-sinusoidal, balanced, or unbalanced conditions. It lists the mathematical expressions that were used in the…

IEEE Guide to the Use of Gas-In-Fluid Analysis for Electric Power Cable Systems

The application of the analysis of gases dissolved in the fluids of fluid-filled cable systems is discussed with respect to the procedures for sampling, obtaining the dissolved gas data, and…

IEEE Guide for Accelerated Aging Tests for Medium-Voltage Extruded Electric Power Cables Using Water-Filled Tanks

Superseded by IEEE Std 1407-2007. Accelerated aging tests on extruded medium-voltage cables using water-filled tanks are addressed. Information on the equipment, cable samples, test conditions, and measurements to perform the…
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