Design test requirements for all high-voltage enclosed indoor and outdoor and non-enclosed indoor and outdoor air switches rated above 1000 V are specified. This includes requirements for such switches as…
Superseded. Procedures for corona testing of nonenclosed and enclosed switches with a rated maximum voltage of 121 kV and above are established. Test requirements and conditions are specified, and a…
Included in C37.34-1971 (R1992) . Procedures for corona testing of non-enclosed and enclosed switches with a rated maximum voltage of 121 kV and above are established. Test requirements and conditions…
IEEE C37.34e-1979, Switching Impulse Testing of Extra-High-Voltage Switches, Supplement to ANSI/IEEE C37.34-1971, IEEE Standard Test Code for High-Voltage Air Switches, updates information on switching surge testing of extra-high-voltage switches to…
Suggestions on application, installation, operation, and maintenance are presented as an aid to obtaining satisfactory performance from indoor and outdoor high-voltage air disconnecting and load interrupter switches rated in excess…
Guidance for users in the application, installation, operation, and maintenance of high-voltage air switches and interrupter switches is provided. (Superseded by IEEE Std C37.30.1-2011)