Tag: Power and Energy

IEEE Guide for Abnormal Frequency Protection for Power Generating Plants

Supersedes C37.106-1987 (R1992). This guide has been prepared to assist the protection engineer in applying relays for the protection of generating plant equipment from damage caused by operation at abnormal…

IEEE Guide for the Protection of Network Transformers

This guide is intended to aid those engineers who have reevaluated the risks associated with faults within network vaults, particularly for those network vaults located within or near highrise buildings.…

IEEE Guide for the Protection of Network Transformers

Guidelines for the application of network protectors are established. The use of network transformers and protectors with distributed resources is addressed.

IEEE Guide for the Protection of Shunt Reactors

This IEEE Standards product is part of the C37 family on Switchgear, Substations and Protective Relays. This standard discusses the protection of shunt reactors used typically to compensate for capacitive…

IEEE Guide for AC Motor Protection

Generally accepted methods of protection for ac motors are provided. This guide identifies and summarizes the functions necessary for adequate protection of motors based on type, size, and application. This…

IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power System Buses

The effective application of relays for protection of power system electrical buses is addressed. Common bus arrangements and some special arrangements used in the United States are covered; not all…

IEEE Standard Seismic Testing of Relays

Administratively Withdrawn January 2007 The procedures to be used in the seismic testing of relays used in power system facilities are specified. The concern is with determining the seismic fragility…

IEEE Guide for Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Superseded by C37.99-1990. IEEE Guide for the Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks, assists in the effective application of relays and other devices for the protection of shunt capacitors used in…

IEEE Guide for the Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Superseded by C37.99-2000. This standard assists in the effective application of relays and other devices for the protection of shunt capacitors used in substations. It covers the protective considerations, along…
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