Tag: Nuclear Power

IEEE Standard Multiple Controllers in a CAMAC Crate (Computer Automated Measurement and Control)

A method for incorporating more than one source of control into a CAMAC crate is defined. The aim is to provide for the use of auxiliary controllers in order to…

IEEE Standard Techniques for Determination of Germanium Semiconductor Detector Gamma-Ray Efficiency Using a Standard Marinelli (Reentrant) Beaker Geometry

This standard for determination of gamma-ray efficiencies of germanium semiconductor detectors was developed in recognition of the increasing number of large-volume, low-activity samples being measured by gamma-ray spectroscopy. The standardized…

IEEE Recommended Practice for Block Transfers in CAMAC Systems (Computer Automated Measurement and Control)

The recommended block-transfer algorithms are discussed, and those given in the basic CAMAC specification are described. These algorithms are well established and are supported by existing hardware. Some new algorithms…

IEEE Standard for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems for Class 1E Circuits in Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Direction for the design and installation of safety-related electrical cable systems, including associated circuits, in nuclear power generating stations is provided. Existing standards are identified and guidance is provided for…

IEEE Standard Criteria for Security Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Superseded by IEEE 692-1997. Criteria are provided for the design of an integrated security system for nuclear power generating stations. Requirements are included for the overall system, interfaces, subsystems, and…

IEEE Standard for Design Qualification of Safety Systems Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Basic principles for design qualification of safety systems equipment used in nuclear power generating stations are provided. Specification criteria, the development of a qualification program, and documentation are addressed. All…

IEEE Standard Criteria for the Design, Installation, and Qualification of Raceway Systems for Class 1E Circuits for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Criteria for the minimum requirements in the selection, design, installation, and qualification of raceway systems for Class 1E circuits for nuclear power generating stations are provided. Methods for the structural…

IEEE Standard Criteria for the Design, Installation, and Qualification of Raceway Systems for Class 1E Circuits for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Criteria for the minimum requirements in the selection design, installation, and qualification of raceway systems for Class 1E circuits for nuclear power generating stations is provided. It also prescribes methods…

IEEE Standard for Qualification of Class 1E Transformers for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Procedures for demonstrating the adequacy of new Class 1E transformers, located in a mild environment of a nuclear power generating station, to perform their required safety functions under postulated service…
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