This standard applies to the measurement of bulk properties of high-purity germanium as they relate to fabrication and performance of germanium detectors for gamma rays and x rays. Such germanium…
1177-1993 Abstract: Standard software routines for use with the system in IEEE Std 960-1993 are defined. 960-1993 Abstract: Mechanical, signal, electrical, and protocol specifications are given for a modular data…
Withdrawn Standard. Withdrawn Date: Sep 15, 1993. No longer endorsed by the IEEE. This standard establishes fixed dimensions for end-caps in the interests of interchangeability of cryostats from various manufacturers.…
This document provides the recommended practice for application of ANSI/IEEE Std 828-1983, IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans, to nuclear power generating stations.
Superseded. Guidance is provided to management and engineers who wish to develop an integrated program for the application of human factors engineering (HFE) in the design, operation, and maintenance of…
This document provides recommended practices for applying human factors engineering (HFE) to systems and equipment that have significant human interfaces in nuclear power generating stations and other nuclear facilities.
In IEEE Std 960-1989, IEEE Standard FASTBUS Modular High-speed Data Acquisition and Control System, mechanical, signal, electrical, and protocol specifications are given for a modular data bus system, which, while…
Mechanical, signal, electrical, and protocol specifications are given for a modular data bus system, which, while allowing equipment designers a wide choice of solutions, ensure compatibility of all designs that…