Tag: Nuclear Power

American National Standard Interrelationship of Quartz-Fiber Electrometer Type Exposure Meters and Companion Exposure Meter Chargers

This document contains two standards. ANSI N42.5 specifies bases for Geiger-Mueller counter tubes. ANSI N42.6 specifies interrelating mechanical and electrical properties so that quartz-fiber exposure meters may be used with…

American National Standard Calibration and Usage of Thallium-Activated Sodium Iodide Detector Systems for Assay of Radionuclides

Methods for performance testing, calibration, and usage of NaI(Tl) detector systems for the measurement of gamma ray emission rates of radionuclides; the assay for radioactivity; and the determination of gamma…

American National Standard Calibration and Usage of Germanium Detectors for Measurement of Gamma-Ray Emission of Radionuclides

Methods for the calibration and use of germanium spectrometers for the measurement of gamma-ray energies and emission rates over the energy range from 59 keV to approximately 3000 keV, and…

American National Standard for Calibration and Use of Germanium Spectrometers for the Measurement of Gamma-Ray Emission Rates of Radionuclides

Methods for the calibration and use of germanium spectrometers for the measurement of gamma-ray energies and emission rates over the energy range from 59 keV to approximately 3000 keV, and…

American National Standard Calibration and Use of Germanium Spectrometers for the Measurement of Gamma-Ray Emission Rates of Radionuclides

Methods for the calibration and use of germanium spectrometers for the measurement of gamma-ray energies and emission rates over the energy range from 59 keV to approximately 3000 keV and…

American National Standard Specification and Performance of On-Site Instrumentation for Continuously Monitoring Radioactivity in Effluents, American National Standard

Installed instrumentation for measuring the quantity or rate, or both, of release of radionuclides in the effluent streams, and to provide documentation useful for scientific and legal purposes, is covered.…

American National Standard for Determination of Uniformity of Solid Gamma-Emitting Flood Sources

Minimum informational requirements for a Test and Measurement Report for flood sources used with scintillation cameras are provided. It is not intended to specify the means by which such information…

American National Standard Performance Criteria for Instrumentation Used for Inplant Plutonium Monitoring

Performance criteria are defined, and plutonium radiation is characterized. The specifications apply to plutonium handling and storage facilities, excluding reactors and irradiated fuel reprocessing facilities. This standard does not apply…

American National Standard Performance Specifications for Reactor Emergency Radiological Monitoring Instrumentation

The essential performance parameters and general placement for monitoring the release of radionuclides associated with a postulated serious accident at a reactor facility are defined for various types of instrumentation.…
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