This amendment to IEEE Std 1588-2019 adds a normative annex that specifies the mapping of PTP to the OTN; and adds an enumeration value to the network Protocol table (Table…
This standard is an amendment of IEEE Std 1588™-2019. Updates to various sections to correct text, make clarifications, and other improvements are provided in this amendment.
Updates to IEEE Std 1588™-2019 are provided in this amendment. This amendment specifies the structure and content of the IEEE 1588 MIB and YANG modules.
Stationary Meter Test Units (MTUs) permanently installed in laboratories, used for testing and calibration of direct current electrical energy meters, in particular for their type test, acceptance test, and verification…
This standard leverages existing standards-based test access mechanisms to capture and retrieve flip-flop and array/memory states. This standard defines a methodology for scan and memory/array debug data extraction for effective…
The general parameters used in the design of direct current overhead contact systems used in transit systems are defined in this guide. The guidelines mentioned in this document are intended…
Required procedures for performing design tests for high-voltage fuses, as well as for fuse disconnecting switches, are specified. These design tests, as appropriate to a particular device, include the following…
This document describes a set of useful activities, tasks, methods, and practices that acquirers of software and related services from unrelated (external) suppliers can apply to help ensure an efficient…
Information on the selection and application considerations for the unit power transformer and unit auxiliary power transformer is provided in this guide. Consideration is given to connections that include direct…