The scope of this standard is to define performance criteria and test methods for plug-in (portable) multiservice (multiport) surge protective devices (MSPDs) intended to protect equipment connected to one or more metallic conductive communication line(s) and a 120 V/240 V single phase ac power service, with the neutral grounded at the service equipment. These devices are intended for installation at receptacles supplying power via a branch circuit of the installation, and jointly at receptacles or ports delivering signals from communications services, for the purpose of providing protected power and signals to a variety of information technology equipment.
- Sponsor Committee
- PE/SPDLV - Surge Protective Devices/Low Voltage
Learn More About PE/SPDLV - Surge Protective Devices/Low Voltage - Status
- Active PAR
- PAR Approval
- 2023-12-06
- Superseding
- C62.50-2012
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE Power and Energy Society
Learn More About IEEE Power and Energy Society - Sponsor Committee
- PE/SPDLV - Surge Protective Devices/Low Voltage
Learn More About PE/SPDLV - Surge Protective Devices/Low Voltage - Working Group
LV3.6.10 - 3.6.10 Surge Protection of Equipment Connected to Both LV AC Power and Communication Circuits WG
- IEEE Program Manager
- Christian Orlando
Contact Christian Orlando - Working Group Chair
- Christopher Penwell
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IEEE Standard for Performance Criteria and Test Methods for Plug-in (Portable) Multiservice (Multiport) Surge-Protective Devices for Equipment Connected to a 120 V/240 V Single Phase Power Service and Metallic Conductive Communication Line(s)
Test methods and performance criteria for plug-in (portable) multiservice (multiport) surge protective devices (MSPDs) intended to protect equipment connected to one or more metallic conductive telecommunication line(s) and a 120 V/240 V single phase two-wire (line and neutral) ac power service, with the neutral grounded at the service equipment are defined in this standard. Performance testing covers three areas: the ac power SPD section, the telecommunication SPD section, and the MSPD as whole. Essential MSPD performance characteristics are the reduction of surge current in the equipment ground loops and surge coupling between the individual SPD sections.