The standard supports the development of accessible applications including augmented reality and artificial intelligence to address insufficiencies with existing content accessibility guidelines. Through the establishment of defined user accessibility needs and accommodation needs, this standard supports user interactions. Accessible applications include speech to text, text processing, information presentation, cued speech, captioning media, text to speech, cognitive load and auto-detection of user accessibility limitations that may exist in augmented reality technologies and applications.
- Standard Committee
- EMB/Stds Com - Standards Committee
- Status
- Active PAR
- PAR Approval
- 2023-09-21
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
- Standard Committee
- EMB/Stds Com - Standards Committee
- Working Group
P3386 WG - P3386 - Inferring user accessibility needs in augmented reality and AI systems WG
- IEEE Program Manager
- Malia Zaman
Contact Malia Zaman - Working Group Chair
- Katherine August
Other Activities From This Working Group
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