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May 17, 2022

The Big Ten Academic Alliance announces support for Reveal Digital

The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) has made a group commitment to support the new Reveal Digital publishing program Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movements. All 15 member libraries are participating in this agreement, which totals more than $500,000.

Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movements is a three-year program that will bring libraries and archives together to develop, fund and digitize primary source collections on the histories of civil rights activism by the everyday citizens… Read more»

April 27, 2022

Reveal Digital announces new publishing program: Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movements

Reveal Digital is committed to making underrepresented perspectives from historical events visible to researchers everywhere. In partnership with libraries and archives, we have been uncovering these important primary sources, enabling innovative scholarship and a more complex understanding of the past.

Today, we are pleased to announce Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movements, a new program to digitize the histories of civil rights activism by the everyday citizens of Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and Asian American/Pacific Islander communities.… Read more»

April 6, 2022

Serving our community in difficult times
A letter from Kevin Guthrie

ITHAKA’s mission is to expand and enhance access to knowledge and education for people all over the world. As a not-for-profit organization, our aim is for our policies and decisions to maximize impact, not revenue or profit. At the onset of the pandemic in 2020, we promised that fees would not increase for JSTOR participants through 2023. We also introduced a year-long program that provided participating academic institutions with access to all Archive Collections at no additional cost. Since then,… Read more»

March 31, 2022

Lean Library partners with JSTOR to enhance discoverability of academic content

Lean Library, a Technology from SAGE company that delivers library services directly into the patron’s workflow, is collaborating with JSTOR. Together, they will provide libraries the ability to deliver Open Access and licensed content on JSTOR to patrons at their point of need, alongside search results on Google or Google Scholar.

The collaboration will begin by integrating JSTOR with the Lean Library browser extension, offering libraries the ability to deploy relevant content from their holdings alongside patron search results. The… Read more»

March 21, 2022

A look at 10 years of Books at JSTOR

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of ebooks on JSTOR, ITHAKA AVP of Published Content John Lenahan describes in Against the Grain the evolution of the program and how we have collaborated with the community to develop innovative, cost-effective models to increase access to academic books.

The article provides background on our collective efforts to increase access to monographs, discusses models to support the publishing of Open Access content, and shares our perspective on ensuring long-term… Read more»

February 28, 2022

JSTOR partners with TypeCite to make citations easy

JSTOR has partnered with TypeCite, a free citation tool that specializes in APA, MLA, and Harvard formats, to provide JSTOR users with metadata (title of journal, edition, number, pagination details, contributor details, etc.) when generating citations to academic journals.

TypeCite will analyze our metadata to generate the most accurate and complete citations for our users, saving them time and effort so they can focus on the tasks of writing and research. We hope you will find this free resource… Read more»

November 5, 2021

Open Community Collections pass the 700 mark

This month, the Open Community Collections initiative marks a new milestone with more than 700 contributed collections. With this achievement, we have announced the extension of the Charter period for all Community Collections participating institutions until December 31, 2022.

Spark unexpected discoveries

705 collections from 180 contributors (and growing). The top ten most used collections cover a wide range of content types, disciplines, time periods, and geographic territories:… Read more»

October 25, 2021

MSU Libraries helps Reveal Digital’s upcoming collection to become OA

Since 2013, Michigan State University Libraries has been a remarkable partner for Reveal Digital, one of the first libraries to provide seed money for what was then a new, experimental publishing model for Open Access primary source collections. The Murray & Hong Special Collections Library provided thousands of pages of content from their renowned American Radicalism Collection for Reveal Digital’s Independent Voices collection, contributing source material for some of its most important magazines and newspapers, including <a… Read more»

October 8, 2021

$1.5 million Mellon grant to make JSTOR accessible to incarcerated students

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded ITHAKA a new $1.5 million grant to provide incarcerated college students with access to JSTOR, a digital library of journals, books, and other materials. Our aim is for every incarcerated college student in the United States to have access to JSTOR, along with the research skills to use this and other digital resources.

One of the most significant educational challenges that incarcerated college students face is easy, reliable access to high-quality library resources… Read more»