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October 4, 2023

JSTOR Releasing First 100 Path to Open Books

JSTOR, part of the non-profit ITHAKA, announced today the release of the first books in Path to Open, a new program designed to affordably and sustainably support the open access publication of new groundbreaking books in the humanities and social sciences.

Launched as a pilot in January 2023, Path to Open is a delayed open access model where new books are made available to supporting libraries upon publication and become open access after three years. Thirty-seven university… Read more»

August 2, 2023

JSTOR Expands Open Access with the Big Ten Open Books Project

JSTOR will make a new 100-title open access book collection available as part of the Big Ten Academic Alliance’s latest open access initiative. Centered on Gender and Sexuality studies, this collection is the first in a series of collections from Big Ten Open Books, a collaboration between the university presses and libraries of the Big Ten Academic Alliance.

“Big Ten Open Books is pursuing a robust programmatic future for open monograph publishing by… Read more»

July 12, 2023

ITHAKA’s Michelle Lee interviewed on the “CTO Confessions” podcast

ITHAKA’s Chief Technology Officer Michelle Lee was recently interviewed by IT Labs on their CTO Confessions podcast. In this wide-ranging conversation, Michelle shares her insights on the tech industry, her work at ITHAKA, and the future of education, providing listeners the unique opportunity to deepen their understanding of the innovative strategies at work at our organization.

Michelle’s conviction that technology has the potential to revolutionize education and her excitement for how ITHAKA can play an even larger role… Read more»

June 21, 2023

ITHAKA announces new services for academic, research, and cultural institutions to share, preserve, and manage digital collections

ITHAKA announced today a new set of services to help academic, research, and cultural institutions easily and affordably share, preserve, and manage their local digital collections. Using the same infrastructure that powers ITHAKA’s nonprofit services JSTOR and Portico, institutions can now increase the reach and usefulness of their local digital collections, secure access for generations to come, and further the mission they share with one another and ITHAKA to improve access to knowledge worldwide.

“Research and learning increasingly take place… Read more»

May 19, 2023

punctum books Releases 250 Open Access Titles on JSTOR

Brings JSTOR to 10,000 Open Access Books

punctum books, an independent scholar- and queer-led open access publisher, and JSTOR recently released punctum’s entire backlist of 250 open access academic books on JSTOR. punctum books is dedicated to radically creative modes of intellectual inquiry, publishing works that take experimental risks with the forms and styles of intellectual writing in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. They now have 360 open access books available on JSTOR. With these latest additions from punctum,… Read more»

April 17, 2023

Big Ten Academic Alliance and JSTOR Announce Multi-year Agreement for Path to Open Pilot

The research libraries of the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) have entered into a multi-year pilot agreement with JSTOR to support Path to Open, a new cost-effective, sustainable publishing model for supporting frontlist university press monographs and making them open access after three years.

More than 30 university presses and hundreds of authors are part of Path to Open. The initial 100 books will be released on JSTOR in the fall of 2023, with an additional 300 titles being… Read more»

March 20, 2023

JSTOR Daily wins Anthem Award for excellence in mission-driven news and journalism

JSTOR Daily, our online magazine, won a Silver Anthem for excellence in mission-driven news and journalism from the producers of the prestigious Webby Awards. Daily was recognized for its contributions to the fields of Education, Arts & Culture in the Awareness & Media Category for Non-Profit Institutions.

The 2023 Anthem Winners were selected by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences from 2,000 submissions representing 43 countries around the world. We’re proud to be honored alongside… Read more»

February 7, 2023

A new JSTOR fee model option to maximize access to knowledge: A letter from Kevin Guthrie

Dear Colleagues,

I recently shared the 2023 priorities ITHAKA has set to help provide the infrastructure the academic community needs to support research, teaching, and learning in an increasingly digital world. One of our most important aims is to provide universal access to as much content as possible. We are pursuing this through a range of initiatives, including Path to Open launched last month. I am excited to share another effort today: a new archive fee modelRead more»

January 17, 2023

JSTOR and university press partners announce Path to Open books pilot

JSTOR, part of the non-profit ITHAKA, and a cohort of leading university presses announced today Path to Open, a program to support the open access publication of new groundbreaking scholarly books that will bring diverse perspectives and research to millions of people.

Launching as a pilot, Path to Open libraries will contribute funds to enable participating presses to publish new books that will transition from licensed to open access within three years of publication. The initial pilot will produce about… Read more»