An In-depth Review of the IEEE P1547 (Revision) Draft Standard by Session 2 by Jens Boemer
Mark Siira, David Narang
Members: $50.00
IEEE Members: $60.00
Non-members: $75.00Length: 1:22:52
Topics will include positive implications for all distributed generation systems, particularly solar PV, energy storage and microgrids. In-Depth Overview of IEEE P1547 Revision Requirements - Part 1 - Recap of previous session - Review of Reference point of applicability, newly-introduced performance categories and their assignment to specific DER by an Authority Governing Interconnection Requirements (AGIR); - New requirements for voltage and reactive power control, frequency control, response to abnormal conditions including ride-through; ranges of adjustability for control settings as well as for voltage and frequency trip settings
Primary Committee:
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