Recent works have predicted materials featuring bands with a large spin-splitting distinct from ferromagnetic and relativistically spin-orbit coupled systems. Materials displaying this property are known as altermagnets and feature a spin-polarized band structure reminiscent of a d-wave superconducting order parameter. We here consider the contact between an altermagnet and a superconductor and determine how the altermagnetism affects the fundamental process of Andreev reflection. We show that the resulting charge conductance depends strongly on the interfacial orientation of the altermagnet relative to the superconductor, displaying features similar to normal metals or ferromagnets. The zero-bias conductance peaks present at the interface in the d-wave case are robust toward the presence of an altermagnetic interaction. Moreover, the spin conductance depends strongly on the orientation of the altermagnet relative the interface. These results show how the anisotropic altermagnetic state can be probed by conductance spectroscopy and how it offers voltage control over charge and spin currents that are modulated due to superconductivity.References: C. Sun, A. Brataas, & J. Linder (2023). arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.14236.