鲍克图书分析系统 ™(BBAS)是一个强大的收藏分析工具,也是学术图书馆员以电子方式比较图书馆藏书与大学图书馆资源(RCL)的重要资源。此可定制的自助分析工具通过定制的数据清理和管理报告消除乏味的手动比较,并可即时识别集合中的差距和重叠,从而做出更明智的选择决策。
通过利用 BooksInPrint.com 丰富的数据,Bowker 图书分析系统能够最全面地查看您的收藏,因为您的收藏将与每个标题的所有版本和格式进行比较。

Bowker's Book Analysis System references Resources for College Libraries, the definitive core list for academic libraries. This customizable, self-service analysis tool will eliminate the need for manual comparison and reduce human error associated with one-by-one title look-ups.

While your holdings are being analyzed with Bowker’s Book Analysis System, your data is also being cleansed and standardized.

Identify Gaps
Bowker’s Book Analysis System provides further granulation of the gaps and duplicates in your collection by allowing you to drill down within the subject classification system, whether it is Dewey, LC, or RCL Taxonomy. Additional evaluation can be made based on enhanced data limiters such as: awards, review sources, publication year, status, and e-book formats.

Academic libraries use RCL for Accreditation, and BBAS helps weed the catalog for this process.
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Comparison Options
Bowker's Book Analysis System provides your library the opportunity to analyze your collection against Resources for College Libraries. You can upload your entire collection or choose to run an analysis subject by subject.
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Initial Match Report
The initial look at your holdings against Resources for College Libraries gives you an overview of how your collection compares to the top 61 subjects covered by RCL. You can quickly identify the areas in your collection that have the highest match of recommended titles. Percentages, as well as an exact number match, are provided.
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Sub-classification Match
Take a closer look at your collection by drilling down to analyze the sub-classifications covered by RCL. Each of the 58 main subjects expand to reveal interdisciplinary taxonomy and areas of study. This overview allows you to effortlessly identify the subject areas of your collection you might consider enhancing.
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Data Enrichment with Resources for College Libraries
Click on a title for a direct link to the full detail screen within rclweb.net which will provide detailed information about the book, including retail price, binding information, audience level, professional reviews, awards and more.
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