Explore the backfile of one of the most influential magazines in the contemporary art world

The 100,000+ page archive includes six decades* of premier news, reporting and commentary about key developments in the art world. Its coverage spans all forms of contemporary art, including painting, sculpture, installation, body art, video/audio art, performance art and more.

The Artforum Archive contains features, reviews and interviews about artists, exhibitions and publications. It has notably published original art, photography and essays by major practitioners. These include Robert Smithson, Jasper Johns, Nan Goldin, Laurie Anderson, Bruce Conner and Robert Mapplethorpe.

It has been equally renowned throughout its history for featuring leading critics, some of whom – for example, Michael Fried and Barbara Rose – wrote for the magazine early in their careers.

Artforum also covers adjacent cultural forms, including architecture, film, fashion, photography and music. The archive supports research across a range of topics in popular culture, as well as in 20th-century history, politics and the history of economics/marketing.

Faculty and students can enhance assignments, draw inspiration and find previously inaccessible photographs and illustrations.

*ProQuest policy is to include each issue from the first and to scan from cover to cover. Due to the rarity of some of the original print volumes, however, there may be some small gaps (issues or pages).

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“Artforum is to art what Vogue is to fashion and Rolling Stone was to rock and roll. It’s a trade magazine with crossover cachet and an institution with controversial clout.”

Sarah Thornton, 7 Days in the Art World


Coverage from the first issue (1962) to 2020 – almost 60 years of content*

Article-level indexing with color page images and searchable text

Advertisements, photographs, illustrations, reviews and features

Reporting across all forms of art, from painting to film

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