This essential tool for film studies, created by the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), indexes more than 500,000 articles from 340 of the world's foremost academic and popular film journals, dating from 1972 onward. The database also incorporates the International Index to TV Periodicals; Treasures from the Film Archives, which identifies silent film holdings in archives around the world, and the International Directory of Film/TV Documentation Collections.
The full-text version of the index, FIAF International of Film Periodicals Plus, adds searchable full text from many of the most important FIAF journals, including full-text coverage of FIAF index records from key titles such as Sight and Sound and Positif. Both resources provide in-depth, discipline-specific indexing and abstracts, with full searching functionality and citation management support. Both are OpenURL- and Z39.50-enabled. Subscribers to FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Plus also receive free MARC records for the full-text titles.
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