The Philosophy Collection packages the specialist indexing of the 3rd party Philosopher’s Index with ProQuest’s Philosophy Database to support philosophy researchers at all levels.
Philosopher’s Index is a 3rd party bibliographic database with informative, author-written abstracts covering scholarship in all areas of philosophy. The literature covered dates back to 1940 and includes journal articles, books, book chapters, contributions to anthologies, and book reviews. It is created by philosophers for philosophers.
ProQuest’s Philosophy Database brings together more than 160 scholarly journals covering all aspects of Philosophy in theory and practice, analytical, and continental. With deep backfiles of journals going all the way to the 1860s, this collection offers more than 3,000 journal years of scholarship and is constantly growing. In addition to these important journals, the database includes more than 1,000 influential dissertations and videos to support historical and contemporary research into this highly cross-disciplinary field.
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