Books In Print® es la base de datos bibliográfica líder para bibliotecas, editores y minoristas de todo el mundo. A partir de los metadatos enriquecidos proporcionados por los editores, Books In Print proporciona un recurso valioso para las bibliotecas en el proceso de tomar decisiones inteligentes de desarrollo y compra de colecciones.
Libros impresos le ayuda a buscar en el mercado, encontrar el título correcto y explorar todas las opciones de formatos conocidos.
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Search everything in the market from books, ebooks, audio books, and videos, through a single Google-like search box, or create targeted result sets with Advanced Search.
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Find the right titles, save those titles and streamline workflows. Books In Print combines the most trusted and authoritative source for bibliographic information with powerful search, discovery and collection development tools designed specifically to streamline the book discovery and acquisition process.
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Find favorite authors, genres, and purchase points. Libraries worldwide consult Books In Print® to find titles, create lists and decide which vendor, ebook platform, or online retailer to source the title.
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Catalog Enrichment
Syndetics Unbound is now integrated in Books in Print. Libraries around the world are embracing the industry's best catalog enrichment solution to improve discoverability and help students and patrons expand their research horizons. Books in Print, now featuring Syndetics Unbound, is an unparalleled reader's advisory tool.
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Character Search
Character Search allows you to search for a character from their favorite books and view search results for all titles the character appears in and includes a brief synopsis of the character.
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Find Similar
Find Similar allows you to see suggested similar titles based on search criteria, or search by specific tags found in Syndetics Book Profiles.
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One-Stop Shop Discovery Environment
Titles within Books In Print® offer a vast amount of information: professional reviews, tables of contents, full-text previews, cover images, author biographies, awards information, summaries and annotations, and much more.
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Two Subscription Levels
United States Edition which contains U.S. publications, and Global Edition which offers global coverage, including U.S., U.K., Canadian, European, and Australian publications.
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Global Offering
Books In Print® contains over 40 million global titles (in print, out of print, and forthcoming), including books, ebooks, audio books, and multimedia. Books In print is available in two subscription levels; United States and Global edition.
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Bowker Book Analysis System
Esta herramienta de análisis personalizable y de autoservicio elimina la tediosa comparación manual a través de informes personalizados para la limpieza y administración de datos, y proporciona una identificación instantánea de las brechas y superposiciones de su colección, para que pueda tomar decisiones de selección mejor informadas.
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Resources for College Libraries
Resources for College Libraries (RCL) es una base de datos que cubre el currículo universitario de dos y cuatro años, proporcionando una lista de títulos básicos esenciales para la enseñanza e investigación de pregrado. Coeditada por ACRL's Choice y ProQuest, la base de datos RCL está diseñada para conectar títulos de alta calidad a instituciones de educación superior, todo en una interfaz fácil de usar y receptiva.
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