Examining the past to inform the present
Today’s historians require holistic resources that cover the social forces that shaped history. From ancient times through the 21st century, ProQuest’s History and Social Change collections provide the depth, scope and accuracy scholars demand and give voice to marginalized populations. This high-quality, sought-after content covers the labor movement, the women’s movement, the Black freedom struggle, indigenous history, the Progressive era and more.
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Collections
Developed for teaching and research success across the curriculum, ProQuest’s expertly curated DEI collections offer authentic, diverse perspectives. Content spans books, video, scholarly journals, primary sources and more.
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Pandemics Resource Guide
How did societies respond to the Plague, Spanish Flu and HIV? Have the ways we respond to and make sense of epidemics changed over time? Based on what we can observe about the past, how will COVID-19 impact the way we live going forward?
See Resource Guide
Confronting Hard History Webinar
Associate Professor Hasan Kwame Jeffries (Ohio State) discusses teaching with primary sources to complicate normative narratives of slavery, the civil rights movement and Black Lives Matter protests.
Watch On-DemandHistory & Social Change Collections (A-Z)

Acta Sanctorum
Acta Sanctorum is a principal source for research into the societies and cultures of early Christian and medieval Europe.
Primary Sources, Academic, Community College, Corporate, Government, Public, History & Social Change, Religion & Philosophy, Social Sciences, Librarian
Alt-Press Watch
Alt-Press Watch provides an alternative to mainstream media with diverse views and distinct voices.
Databases, Academic, Community College, Public, Cultural History, Gender Studies, History & Social Change, Interdisciplinary, Political Science, Social Sciences, Librarian
American Periodicals Series
American Periodicals Series Online (APS Online) includes digitized images of the pages of American magazines and journals published from colonial days to the dawn o
Primary Sources, Academic, Community College, History & Social Change, Interdisciplinary, U.S. History, Librarian
Annual Register
The Annual Register is a complete and detailed chronicle of events from 1758 to the current day.
Primary Sources, Academic, Community College, Government, Public, History & Social Change, U.K. History, Librarian
Art and Architecture Archive
Connecting researchers with searchable archives of leading trade and consumer magazines, tracing the history of photography, design, fine and applied arts, and more.
Primary Sources, Academic, Community College, Corporate, Government, Public, Art, Design & Architecture, Cultural History, History & Social Change, The Arts, Librarian
Black Abolitionist Papers, 1830-1865
This collection searches a unique set of primary sources from African Americans actively involved in the movement to end slavery in the United States between 1830 a
Primary Sources, Academic, Community College, Government, Public, Black History, History & Social Change, U.S. History
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States
This Website is intended to support a wide range of students, from middle and high school to college, as well anyone interested in learning more about the on-going
Primary Sources, Academic, Community College, Government, K-12, Public, Black History, History & Social Change, U.S. History
Black Studies Center
Black Studies Center is a leading tool that supports research, teaching, and learning in Black Studies with detailed coverage of the black experience
Databases, Academic, Black History, History & Social Change
British Periodicals
Comprehensive full-run coverage of nearly 500 British periodicals published from the seventeenth through the early twentieth centuries
Primary Sources, Academic, History & Social Change, Interdisciplinary, U.K. History
Colonial State Papers
This growing collection offers insight into the colonial history of North America and the West Indies. It includes the National Archives collection CO 1-- papers th
Primary Sources, Academic, Community College, Early Modern History, History & Social Change, U.K. History, U.S. History