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24 results found
by adding native American history
I think we should add a native American history feature
3 votes -
Connect to Freedom House measures regarding civil liberties, democracy and internet
Freedom House has established a rigorous evaluation method for these aspects. The State Department may have one too.
1 vote -
fix the atheist and non beliver
they are the same thing
2 votes -
Adding a page about Culture
I think for kids like me learning about different Continets would be helpful if they added a page made for people looking for different cultures on different continents. If they add this it would be an amazing idea!
SO PLEASE ADD THIS!!!!!!8 votes -
default language
I would like the ability to set the default language to other languages and then get a dedicated url for using Culture Grams in this language. We would use this for our Seal of Biliterarcy and foreign language students.
7 votes -
Worksheets , cities space (like the states area)
Work sheets:
Asks questions
Asks you where a city is (map is on work sheet)
Cite area:
Where you. An do research on cites (just like the states space)And the license plate hunt would be cool go have on here!
3 votes -
Graphic organizers/scavenger hunts/Activity templates.
Ex: US Maps. Gr 1-5 will choose a state, complete info for each category (Did you know? Motto, etc) in a graphic organizer. Students can then make postcards using the activity template and share them with the class.
(Library K-5 teacher).7 votes -
13 votes
making sections on baking
4 votes -
Search for countries by language
As a teacher librarian, I promote CultureGrams to the world language teachers at my school. They often want students to do research on countries or people from countries where their target language is spoken. It would be very helpful for students to be able to search by language spoken. I think they would be surprised to see all the countries where French or Spanish is spoken.
18 votes -
Charts & Graphs downloadable in other formats
I do a lot of teacher trainings on how to use CultureGrams in the classroom. The teachers are very excited about having the ability to have their students create comparison charts and graphs. However, sharing their creations out is problematic. Would it be possible to add a feature so that charts and graphs could be downloadable in formats such as jpeg and png? CultureGrams is a statewide resources for our K-12 students, so I know this feature would be useful for many teachers and students in Iowa. Also, it would be helpful to have curriculum correlation with the Iowa Core…
7 votes -
We would like the ability to log into Office 365 on Culturegrams and directly save to One Drive.
We use Office 365 for our platform, and it would be nice to login to Culturegrams and directly save information to our one drive.
32 votes -
Highlight text with read aloud and more images in each section, make it more visually appealing
The text should be highlighted as it reads along, More images for each topic, make it more palatable for younger and struggling readers (ENL, ELL, etc.)
5 votes -
Have you considered putting a newsfeed on your site that would keep students informed of current events around the world?
25 votes -
3 votes
Languages other than English
Have you considered making Culture Grams available in other languages (particularly Spanish?) There are some World Language teachers at my school who prefer their students to do research in the languages they're learning.
16 votes -
Mexican States edition
It would be great if you had a Mexican States edition, similar to the U.S. States and Canadian Provinces editions you already offer especially since the three countries are more closely linked today.
21 votes -
Add colorblind mode
Add a colorblind mode for people that are colorblind to make the website easier for them to use.
5 votes -
Holidays and Celebrations around the World
It would be nice to have a section on holidays and celebrations around the world, and maybe even sorted out by month. This way they would be easy to compare instead of going country by country
8 votes -
Regional info
Please add more information on all regions, since that is the primary way in which we teach world geography. We don’t have time to get down to the country level, except to use as examples.
13 votes
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