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105 results found

  1. "Load Period" to be hidden for messages of book purchase

    Could the "Loan Period" shown in the automatic message template be hidden for the libraries who only adopt DDA book purchase model?

    The item "Loan Period" confuses the users about accessing the books.

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  2. Access model option of Purchase Matches

    When looking up with eisbn in Title Match and executing Purchase Matches, it would like to be able to select the access model (e.g., 1 User, 3Users).

    when several books are purchased in batches, but there is an inconvenience that I have to modify all of them because I cannot select the purchase option.

    I hope it will be improved.

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.


    Sarah Breiding

    Product Owner

  3. Direct citation export for Noodletools in ebook Central

    Direct citation export for Noodletools in ebook Central.
    Please and thank you!

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  4. extend customizability

    Please make more texts and messages (e.g. in the login window) customizable.

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  5. Patrons can see when a newer edition is available

    new edition
    Indiquer clairement qu'une nouvelle édition est disponible.
    Par exemple pour le titre Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults

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  6. Include URLs in LibCentral Title Reports

    Including urls in Title Reports can help manage holdings in third-party catalogs and discovery layers. Thank you!

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  7. When Accessibility Mode has been enabled, return the user to their previous location.

    Currently users are returned to an Ebook Central search page. From there they have to search for, correctly identify and re-access the book they were reading, and navigate back to the location within the book where they were when they changed their accessibility setting. For users who navigated in via their institution's Catalogue record for the book, this can be confusing and disorienting.

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  8. Ebook Central Upgrade Report

    Create a report that can be routinely pulled in LibCentral that provides --turnaway data, unique access data, highest owned license, highest available upgrade, current price for highest available upgrade, upgrade path and Is the title included in any subscribed products. A report such as this will help with making ebook upgrade decisions in bulk on a routine basis.

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  9. LibCentral title reports enhancement request - total user access

    For limited user access titles (1U or 3U licenses) we often want to know the total user access we have currently, and as far as I'm aware there's no way to extract this from the current admin reports.

    Generating title reports, there is no total user access information. There are "copies" and "access model" but there is no way to easily calculate the total access from these columns.

    For example we have a title that shows as 4U access when you search in LibCentral. However the same title on the title report has:
    Copies - 3
    Access model - 1-user,…

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  10. Patrons can return books early

    To allow return of book earlier after download, so that the book can be available for other users.
    Each ebook will have a specific number of concurrent user access. However, if a user downloads a book, this is tied to a fixed number of days, before the book can be free-up for other users to access. The function should allow users to return the book earlier, so that others can also access the eBook earlier.

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  11. Allow owned ebooks to be withdrawn

    I would like us to be able to weed our (owned) Ebook Central titles in the same way that we weed our physical collections. At present, if we manually remove an item from the Ebook Central collection in our discovery tool, it is automatically put back the next time the weekly auto-update runs, which effectively means we can't withdraw access to ebooks we own. It would be especially useful in cases where we own multiple editions of the same title.

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  12. Add selected titles from a list to your cart before ordering

    Currently you can only add an entire list to your cart. Our institution would like the ability to add selected titles from each list to a cart in order to place an order. Currently, Ebsco and Midwest both have a function where certain users have the ability to suggest purchases and one user can actually place the order from the other users lists/carts.

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  13. Newer edition available flag

    There should be a newer edition available flag to prevent people ordering older edition eBooks when newer editions are available. Why are the older edtions there anyway.

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  14. Discount information in LibCentral should be reflected into ebook prices of mediate request page

    Currently, discount prices are in book details of LibCentral but they are not reflected into ebook prices of mediated request page so to confirm discount information before purchase, admin users have to click a title to go to its book detail page. I want to request this to save their time.

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  15. The Library should be able to stop patrons from Request title if the Library has purchased max amount of 1user only.

    Ebook Central Admin: Why did I get a mediated request for this title?

    1. Extended access enabled and set to upgrade automatically, but no upgraded access model is available, or the upgrade price exceeds the upgrade price limit.

    Suggestion for change:

    The Library should be able to stop patrons from Request title if the Library has purchased max amount of 1user only. Example: A library owns 3 copies of a 1-user copy of an ebook and the ebook is currently in use. The Library have purchased total 3user access so the Library have enough licenses according to their policies. The patron…

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  16. Schedule usage report

    Schedule a customize usage report every week, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually and send to an email.

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  17. To send notification when a book is about to be returned online

    It would be good if users got a notification when a book they were borrowing online was about to be returned. We have users that have lost notes because they made notes on Adobe DE and then when the book was returned and then re-loaned the notes were not there.

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  18. Support HAN server (reverse) authentication

    Please officially support authentication methode via HAN server.

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    Thank you all for your feedback on this enhancement request! The Ebook Central team has reviewed this idea and will keep it in mind for future consideration. We aren't able to provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support in order to receive status and comment updates.

  19. Better Search Experience - Some Miscellaneous Ideas for Finding Content More Effectively

    A set of ideas from a librarian who would love to see enhancements to the search interface and the lists that are provided within the system.

    Who is curating the list?
    How often is it updated?
    How is it updated/description of what’s on the list
    More specific lists (i.e. Social Justice is great, but it’s way too broad for practical reasons and should be narrower by specific SJ topic)

    Better filtering:
    Popularity within LibCentral
    Critical Acclaim
    Community Selections/Picks
    Highlights/Spotlights around specific events or contexts
    Promotions/Sale Items
    Review ratings (like Amazon)
    New releases/future releases
    Rather than “year of publication,” which…

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  20. Drop-down menu Fund Codes

    The values ​​entered in the Fund Code Controls currently only appear in the cart as a dropdown menu.
    The drop-down menu should also be displayed in the Patron Request so that you can see exactly which Fund Codes have already been created and should therefore be used

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