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Wiley Content Sharing
Wiley’s Content Sharing feature facilitates research collaboration by providing subscribers with a simple tool for sharing free-to-read full-text articles with non-subscribers. This feature is available for all journals across the Wiley portfolio with a few exceptions for journals that are opted out of the program. The Content Sharing program is another step in Wiley’s mission to support researchers and make sharing easier for all.
If you have access to the content, you can click the ‘Share’ button to easily generate a shareable link for you to share the full-text article with friends and colleagues. Recipients of the link will be able to view the full article online.
Content Sharing Frequently Asked Questions
Is Content Sharing available for all journal content on Wiley Online Library?
A few journals have opted out of the program, but the majority of Wiley journals offer Content Sharing.
How does Content Sharing work?
If you have access to the content, from the HTML view of the full article online you will see a share button in the top right-hand corner. When you click on this, if the journal is part of the content sharing program, you will see an option to 'Give Access' (see screenshot below). When you click this icon, it will provide a popup where you can generate a link you can share with peers and colleagues. Recipients will be able to view the whole article online when they click on the content sharing links that they receive. On the PDF view of the article, you can simply click ‘Share’ to access the popup where you can generate a sharing link.
Is Content Sharing available for all devices?
This feature is only available on desktop devices at this time.
Who should I contact if I encounter a problem with the new feature?
In the first instance, individual users should contact the librarian or institutional administrator for their Wiley Online Library account. They in turn can contact our Customer Service team or their established contact at Wiley for Wiley Online Library questions.
Article Sharing Policy
Wiley supports the STM article sharing principles to enable research collaboration. Collaboration has always been essential to further research progress. In support of this Wiley works with many commercial and non-commercial organizations providing services for the aggregation, posting, and sharing of journal articles.
Wiley supports the measurement of the impact and usage of research articles in a distributed environment. Such measurement data, including COUNTER compliant usage statistics, provides important insights for researchers, publishers, and libraries into how research articles are discovered and used.
Articles can be shared at every stage of publication, and the ways in which this can be done are described below. Pay-to-publish (gold) open access articles can be shared anywhere without embargo as long as the embedded Creative Commons license selected by the author remains in place.
See below for full details and a quick reference guide to what can be shared and where is provided in the table below. An additional resource can be found at
Wiley’s Article Sharing Policy:
In accordance with the STM article sharing principles, researchers* with legitimate access to Wiley subscription articles may share the articles within private research groups, including those on SCNs which have signed up to the sharing principles.
The private groups must be formed by invitation for a specific research purpose and be of a size that is typical for research groups within the discipline. Sharing of articles must be limited to members of the group only. The SCNs which have signed up to the sharing principles are required to provide COUNTER compliant usage data to Wiley by agreement.
There should be no public posting of final articles other than by agreement with Wiley unless the article is published under a Gold Open Access model.
*Commercial users should ensure that they or their organization have been properly licensed by Wiley or by a third-party to share articles in private research collaboration groups.
Sharing guidelines for Wiley journal articles
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