Published on behalf of the United Kingdom Literacy Association, Literacy offers educators a forum for debate through scrutinising research evidence, reflecting on analysed accounts of innovative practice, and examining recent policy developments.

We publish reports of recent research in language and literacy, informed and analytical accounts of innovative practice, critiques of recent policy developments and examination of their impact, and theoretical explorations that contribute to our understanding of literacy. Literacys readership comprises practitioners, teacher educators, researchers, and both undergraduate and graduate students.

Winner of the UKLA/ Wiley Research in Literacy Education Award 2023

Congratulations to Ian Cushing and Anthony Carter for their paper Using young adult fiction to interrogate raciolinguistic ideologies in schools.

The Awards Committee were very impressed with this paper, which reports on research that engages young people in the UK and their reading of fictional texts in relation to understandings and perceptions of raciolinguistic ideologies in schools. It recognises the capacity for young people to contribute to contentious and complex topics. The genuine nature of participation and agency of both teachers and learners in this research was evident. The careful positioning of the researchers was also appreciated and further strengthened the methodological basis. The work is accessible and applicable both to literacy researchers as well as school-teachers and leaders. Methodologically strong, and highly pertinent in terms of socio-political conditions today, we highly recommend the authors for their clear and powerful work in this area.


Recent issues

Publishing Research with Wiley: Understanding RCUK's Open Access Policies

Writing for Literacy - Eve Bearne

How to turn your dissertation into a journal article - Andrew Lambirth

The UKLA and Wiley-Blackwell Research in Literacy Education Award 2020 has been announced

We are pleased to announce the 2020 winner of the Wiley & UKLA Literacy in Education Award, as presented at the 55th UKLA International Conference:

From Literacy

Collaborative writing with young people with disabilities: raising new questions of authorship and agency
Candice Satchwell

This award, launched in 2008, is given annually for research judged to be exemplary in either of UKLA’s journals - Journal of Research in Reading and Literacy.

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