Spaced mathematics practice improves test scores and reduces overconfidence
The practice assignments in a mathematics textbook or course can be arranged so that most of the problems relating to any particular concept are massed together in a single assignment, or these related problems can be distributed across many assignments–a format known as spaced practice. Here we report the results of two classroom experiments that assessed the effects of mathematics spacing on both test scores and students' predictions of their test scores. In each experiment, students in Year 7 (11–12 years of age) either massed their practice into a single session or divided their practice across three sessions spaced 1 week apart, followed 1 month later by a test. In both experiments, spaced practice produced higher test scores than did massed practice, and test score predictions were relatively accurate after spaced practice yet grossly overconfident after massed practice.
Mathematics proficiency is improved by solving practice problems, but most mathematics assignments have features and characteristics that have proven inferior in randomized studies. Here we focus on one simple feature of mathematics practice: the extent to which practice problems relating to the same skill or concept are distributed throughout a course or textbook. For example, the practice problems in a textbook or course can be arranged so that most of the problems relating to hyperbolas are massed into a single assignment or spaced across many assignments. In the present research, we measured the effects of spaced practice on test scores in two classroom experiments with young mathematics students.
Our studies also examined the effect of spacing on students' predictions of their test scores. Students are notoriously overconfident, and overconfidence can lead students to make poor decisions about how and when they study. For example, they may stop practicing even though further practice would benefit them, or they might fail to seek clarification of concepts they do not understand. Overconfidence also can lead students (and their teachers) to believe that a chosen learning strategy is more effective than it actually is. For these reasons, it is important to know how confidence is affected by spacing and massing. In the experiments reported here, students predicted their test scores twice–once immediately after the last practice problem, and again immediately before the test. To our knowledge, no previous studies of mathematics learning have assessed the effect of spacing on students' judgments of their learning.
Numerous studies have shown that distributing a fixed amount of practice over multiple sessions can boost scores on a delayed test–a finding known as the spacing effect (for recent reviews, see Carpenter, 2017; Dunlosky et al., 2013; Kang, 2016). Fewer studies have examined the effect of spacing on mathematics learning, though the available data suggest that spacing can boost mathematics learning, too. Mathematics spacing effects were first found in laboratory studies with college students (Gay, 1973; Rohrer & Taylor, 2006; Rohrer & Taylor, 2007), though one recent lab experiment found only null effects (Ebersbach & Barzagar Nazari, 2020a). Spacing also improved test scores in each of several non-randomized classroom studies, including studies with students in high school geometry (Yazdani & Zebrowski, 2006), college statistics (Budé et al., 2011), and year four mathematics (Chen et al., 2018). Only in the last several years, however, has mathematics spacing been the focus of randomized studies in the classroom, and these too found test score benefits. These include a study with third- and seventh-grade students (Barzagar Nazari & Ebersbach, 2019), two studies fully embedded within a college pre-calculus course (Hopkins et al., 2016; Lyle et al., 2020), and a study in a college statistics course (Ebersbach & Barzagar Nazari, 2020b).
Only a few studies of mathematics spacing have failed to find test benefits, and we suspect that these null effects reflect one or more boundary conditions. For instance, one of the laboratory studies cited above found that the spacing effect disappeared entirely when the test delay was shortened from 4 weeks to 1 week, suggesting that short test delays might reduce or eliminate the spacing effect (Rohrer & Taylor, 2006). Yet a recent laboratory experiment found null effects after both a one-week and five-week test delay, leading the authors to speculate that the nature of the mathematics task might moderate the size of the spacing effect (Ebersbach & Barzagar Nazari, 2020a). The present studies were not designed to test the plausibility of any particular boundary condition, but the results of our studies are incidentally inconsistent with certain possibilities, as we detail in the Discussion. That said, the present studies were designed to assess the effect of mathematics spacing on test scores in a classroom setting.
The second aim of the present work was to examine how mathematics spacing affects students' judgments of their future performance. Students who can accurately predict their future test performance are better able to make study decisions that are appropriate for their current state of learning (Butler & Winne, 1995; Dunlosky & Rawson, 2012; Thiede, 1999), but previous studies have shown that students' predictions are often poorly calibrated (for a review, see Hacker, Bol, & Keener, 2008). Poor calibration has been observed in various subject areas – including mathematics (e.g., Barnett & Hixon, 1997; Hartwig & Dunlosky, 2017). A common form of poor calibration is overconfidence. In other words, when students are asked to predict their test performance before taking a test, their predictions often exceed their actual scores.
Techniques for improving students' prediction accuracy have been explored, with mixed success (Hacker et al., 2008). While some techniques have involved direct metacognitive training, others have relied on students' own experiences with practice. For example, some strategies known to boost students' learning – such as practice testing – may be doubly beneficial because they can also improve prediction accuracy (Little & McDaniel, 2015). Whether the spacing of practice can also enhance prediction accuracy is unclear. Laboratory studies in which participants judged their learning following spaced or massed practice have yielded mixed results with regards to judgment accuracy (e.g., Kornell, 2009; Logan et al., 2012). Importantly, however, the possible benefit of spaced practice on prediction accuracy has not previously been examined in real classrooms or with mathematics materials.
Indeed, it is intuitive that a greater degree of spaced practice could promote more accurate predictions in classroom settings. When practice is spaced across multiple sessions, students will likely forget some of the to-be-learned material during the intervening time intervals, which in turn might draw their attention to the forgetting that often occurs across time (Koriat et al., 2004). Moreover, forgetting between consecutive sessions can help students recognize that their initial choice of learning strategy was suboptimal (cf. Bahrick & Hall, 2005) or that they had not learned the material as well as they believed. Massed practice, in contrast, may contribute to predictions that are overconfident because practice that occurs in a single, massed session may produce a high level of fluency or success within that session, without signaling whether the learning will hold up across time. Put another way, students may fail to recognize that the gains experienced during massed practice will not persist as well as the gains experienced during spaced practice, resulting in an illusion of mastery (Bjork, 1999; Bjork et al., 2013). To test these speculations about the effects of spaced and massed practice on prediction accuracy, students in the present studies predicted their future test score immediately after completing spaced or massed mathematics practice and again immediately before the test.
In each of two studies, students completed 12 practice problems that were either massed in a single session or distributed evenly across three sessions spaced 1 week apart. Students were tested 1 month later. Students predicted their test scores twice: immediately after the last practice problem and immediately before the test. The studies were designed to answer two research questions: How does spacing affect test scores, and how does spacing affect students' predictions of their test scores?
The methodology of the two experiments was nearly identical, and the slight differences are noted below. We chose to conduct Experiment 2 to replicate the results of Experiment 1 and to correct a potential issue concerning the mathematics proficiency of students in Experiment 1, as explained below. The anonymized data and all materials are available at Open Science Framework (OSF)
5.1 Students
Participating students attended a large school in the United Kingdom. Students completed the experiment during Year 7 (ages 11–12 years). We conducted Experiment 1 in spring 2018 and Experiment 2 in spring 2019. Experiment 1 was completed by 44 students, and Experiment 2 was completed by 55 students. These sample sizes were large enough to detect an effect size greater than d = 0.43 in Experiment 1 and d = 0.38 in Experiment 2 (assuming within-subjects design, two-tailed test, alpha = .05, and power = 0.8). An additional 17 students in the participating classes (11 in Experiment 1, and 6 in Experiment 2) missed at least one of the class meetings in which the experiment took place, and their incomplete data were excluded from all analyses.
Each experiment included two participating classes, which we arbitrarily label Class A and Class B. In Experiment 1, Class A included 24 participating students (12 girls, 12 boys), and Class B had 20 (10 girls, 10 boys). In Experiment 2, Class A included 28 participating students (11 girls, 17 boys), and Class B had 27 (13 girls, 14 boys). We measured students' mathematics proficiency with the KS2 SAT mathematics score, which we were able to obtain for all but three participating students (one in Experiment 1, and two in Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, the KS2 SAT scores were significantly greater in Class A (M = 109.6, SD = 3.4, n = 23) than in Class B (M = 104.4, SD = 4.4, n = 20), p < .001, d = 1.33. In Experiment 2, there was no reliable difference between the scores of Class A (M = 110.6, SD = 4.8, n = 27) and Class B (M = 108.8, SD = 5.0, n = 26).
5.2 Materials and design
Each mathematics problem included a Venn diagram task or a permutation task (Figure 1). Class A spaced their practice of the Venn problems and massed their practice of the permutation problems, and Class B did the reverse. We created the Venn problems, and the permutation task was taken from Rohrer and Taylor (2006). We did not administer a pretest, though neither task is part of the school curriculum or national curriculum for Year 7 or sooner.

5.3 Procedure
The timeline is shown in Figure 2. For both the Venn and permutation tasks, students saw a tutorial followed by 12 practice problems that were either massed into a single session or divided evenly across three practice sessions spaced 1 week apart. The test delay equaled 4 weeks (27–29 days). The sessions were scheduled so that students never completed a task for both the spaced and massed condition on the same day. Instead, the timelines for the two conditions (spaced and massed) were staggered so that corresponding sessions for the two conditions were offset by one or two days. Finally, we counterbalanced condition and test order so that Class A was tested on the spaced material before they were tested on the massed material, and Class B was tested on the massed material before they were tested on the spaced material.

Students completed the practice sessions and tests during their mathematics class under the supervision of their teacher. Neither of the two teachers was a member of the research team, and no researcher attended a class meeting in which the experiment took place. Students solved problems by paper and pencil, without a calculator. No problem appeared more than once during the experiment. For each task (Venn and permutation), students saw a tutorial immediately before they began the first practice problem, and both the tutorial and practice problems were presented via an audiovisual slideshow created by the first author. Each practice problem appeared one at a time. Each problem remained on the screen while students attempted to solve it (45 s). Immediately afterwards, the solution appeared on the screen and remained on the screen while students heard a prerecorded oral explanation (60 s, on average), and then the solution remained on the screen while students corrected their errors (20 s). Having students correct their solution immediately after each practice problem prohibited us from scoring their practice problems, and thus we have no measure of practice performance. We should also note that this immediate feedback ensured that the study manipulated not only practice but instruction more broadly. Throughout each practice session, students could see their written work for practice problems that had appeared previously in the session. For each test (Venn and permutation), students were given a sheet of paper listing four novel problems and asked to solve the problems in any order they wish (8 min). Students received no feedback during the test.
Students predicted their test scores twice: immediately after the last practice problem, and immediately before the test. They also “postdicted” their test score immediately after the test. For each of these three judgments, students were asked to estimate their score on a test with four problems, as detailed in the Appendix.
6.1 Test scores
Both experiments showed a spacing effect (Figure 3). In Experiment 1, the spacing effect was moderately large, t(43) = 4.0, p < .001, d = 0.61, 95% CI [0.28, 0.92]. In Experiment 2, the spacing effect was smaller but still sizeable, t(54) = 2.9, p < .01, d = 0.39, 95% CI [0.11, 0.66]. Each Cohen's d value equals the mean difference score divided by the standard deviation of the difference scores (also known as d z). This choice of Cohen's d produced a smaller value than other alternatives because the two sets of scores were not strongly correlated, and thus the reported effect sizes are conservative (Lakens, 2013).

The spacing effect was not associated with student proficiency. Specifically, students' mathematics scores on the KS2 SAT (see Method) were not significantly correlated with the students' spacing effect (test score in spaced condition minus test score in massed condition) in both Experiment 1 (r = .21, p = .19) and Experiment 2 (r = .07, p = .63). Thus, the data provide no support for the claim that the benefits of spacing depend on student proficiency.
6.2 Students' predictions
In both experiments, spaced practice led to accurate predictions of test scores, whereas massed practice engendered overconfidence (Figure 4). For Prediction 1, which students made immediately after the last practice problem, spacing led to predictions that were slightly but not significantly greater than actual test scores (Experiment 1: t(43) = 1.0, p = .33, d = 0.15; Experiment 2: t(54) = 1.7, p = .10, d = 0.23), whereas massed practice led to substantial overconfidence (Experiment 1: t(43) = 6.1, p < .001, d = 0.92; Experiment 2: t(54) = 7.9, p < .001, d = 1.07). For Prediction 2, which students provided immediately before the test, spacing again led to accurate predictions (Experiment 1: t(43) = −0.1, p = .93, d = 0.01; Experiment 2: t(54) = 0.1, p = .93, d = 0.01), whereas massed practice produced moderate overconfidence (Experiment 1: t(43) = 2.7, p < .01, d = 0.41; Experiment 2: t(54) = 2.3, p = .03, d = 0.31). Finally, the “postdictions” made immediately after the test were accurate regardless of whether practice had been spaced or massed.

Because the accurate predictions of test scores necessarily yield a null difference between the predicted test score and the actual test score, we also found the Bayes Factor for every null difference reported above to determine whether the evidence favors the null hypothesis (accuracy) or the alternative hypothesis (inaccuracy). We used an online algorithm created by Rouder et al., 2009. The algorithm assumes a Jeffreys prior, and we set scale r to the default value of 0.7071. In every case, the Bayes Factor exceeded one, which means that the evidence did in fact favor the null hypothesis (accuracy).
Spaced mathematics practice sharply improved test scores in both experiments (Figure 3). In addition, students' predictions of their test scores were quite accurate if they had spaced their practice yet grossly overconfident if they had massed their practice (Figure 4). Both findings have caveats and practical implications.
7.1 Boundary conditions of the mathematics spacing effect
Although mathematics spacing effects have been observed repeatedly, a few studies have found null effects (see Introduction). An examination of the data suggests that these negative findings might be due to one or more boundary conditions. Here we consider four possibilities.
1. Nature of the Task. Might the mathematics spacing effect be moderated by the nature of the mathematics task? This possibility was raised by Ebersbach and Barzagar Nazari 2020a to account for the null effects observed in every condition of their laboratory study. Yet we are not aware of any evidence for this claim. The study by Ebersbach and Barzagar Nazari included only one kind of task, and it was the same permutation task that produced large spacing effects in each of two previous studies (Rohrer & Taylor, 2006, 2007). Furthermore, no studies have shown an association between the nature of a mathematics task and the size of the spacing effect.
2. Short Test Delay. Some evidence suggests that the mathematics spacing effect can vanish when the test delay is brief. In one laboratory study, students either massed their practice or spaced their practice across two sessions spaced 1 week apart before taking an exam 1 or 4 weeks later, and only the four-week delay produced a spacing effect (Rohrer & Taylor, 2006). Similar findings have been obtained in spacing studies with non-mathematics materials (e.g., Rawson & Kintsch, 2005; Serrano & Muñoz, 2007). Findings such as these suggest that mathematics test scores might not benefit from spacing if test delays are brief.
3. Short Spacing Gaps. Some indirect evidence suggests that the mathematics spacing effect can shrink or disappear if the spacing gap is much shorter than the test delay, as is the case with non-mathematics materials (e.g., see meta-analysis by Cepeda et al., 2006). This possibility also is consistent with the results of the mathematics spacing study that found null effects when the test delay was rather long (Ebersbach & Barzagar Nazari, 2020a). Students in that study either massed their practice or spaced their practice across two sessions separated by 1 or 11 days before taking a test 5 weeks later, and the larger spacing gaps produced larger test scores: about 25% after massed practice, about 30% after a 1-day spacing gap, and nearly 40% after an 11-day spacing gap. Thus, although the spacing effects were not statistically significant, both spacing gaps produced positive spacing effects, and the effect size was smaller for the 1-day gap than for the 11-day gap. If too-short spacing gaps do reduce the size of the spacing effect, mathematics students should space their practice across sessions separated by at least a week or more if long-term learning is the goal.
4. Sparse Feedback. The test score benefits of spaced mathematics practice might fade if students are not promptly shown the correct solution to any problem they cannot solve. In the present studies, students were shown the correct solution to each problem immediately after each attempt, and they also were required to correct any errors in their solution. Without this kind of instructional feedback, spaced practice can be a disadvantage because students who forget how to solve a particular kind of problem during the spacing gap will then be unable to either solve the problem or learn from feedback, thereby denying students an opportunity to learn during this subsequent session. This potential caveat is only conjecture, however, because the nature or degree of feedback has not been manipulated in a mathematics spacing study. However, feedback was provided after only one half of the practice problems in the aforementioned study finding only null effects (Ebersbach & Barzagar Nazari, 2020a).
7.2 Student overconfidence
Apart from the spacing effect, the present studies showed that spacing can improve students' accuracy in judging their learning. Following spaced practice, students predicted their future test scores very accurately, whereas massed practice yielded gross overconfidence. The overconfidence after massed practice might be due to the fluency or success with which students can solve a set of similar problems by merely repeating the same procedure over and over, giving the impression that students have mastered the content. In turn, overconfidence may lead students and their teachers to believe that further practice is unnecessary when, in fact, the gains will not be retained across time.
Though massed practice produced overconfidence, we note that predictions following massed practice were only slightly greater than predictions following spaced practice. Thus, massed practice did not elevate predictions to an unrealistically high level but instead failed to help students recognize their low level of mastery. One might speculate that awareness could be improved by assigning practice problems after a delay–essentially a practice test–which can boost both metacognitive awareness and test scores. Spaced mathematics practice provides exactly this kind of practice testing. With spaced practice, both students and teachers get a clearer picture of students' comprehension and retention across time and are better poised to steer future practice effectively.
7.3 Practical implications
The learning benefits of spaced mathematics practice have obvious utility in the classroom. Spacing improved test scores in the present studies by more than half, which is far more beneficial than most mathematics learning interventions. These results, in conjunction with the results of other researchers, provide strong support for spaced mathematics practice. More broadly, we believe spacing improves the long-term learning of any kind of material, and we join the many other researchers who have previously advocated for a greater degree of spacing in the classroom (e.g., Carpenter, 2017; Kang, 2016; Dunlosky et al., 2013, Roediger & Pyc, 2012; Willingham, 2014).
Still, spaced mathematics practice is not without its challenges. Apart from the possible boundary conditions described above, little is known about exactly how practice problems should be spaced. For instance, a dozen practice problems can be distributed evenly across three assignments or distributed more thinly across six assignments, and the spacing gaps between assignments can be fixed in length (always 1 week) or expanding (1 week, 3 weeks, and then 9 weeks). The variations are uncountable. Finally, spaced mathematics assignments are not readily available to many teachers because students' mathematics textbooks provide only a small degree of spacing (Rohrer et al., 2020). These teachers would need to create their own spaced assignments or use spaced assignments drawn from the internet or other resources.
Yet these obstacles should not overshadow the merits of spaced mathematics practice. Spacing is one of the largest and most robust learning strategies known to learning researchers, and spacing can be implemented in nearly any mathematics course. Though there are some subtleties regarding its implementation, the key point is that teachers should shift their mindset so that the practice of a skill or concept is seen not as material that should be squeezed into one or two consecutive class meetings but rather as material that can be distributed across many lessons. By adopting this approach, mathematics teachers can help their students better learn the material and also better gauge how well they have learned the material.
The research reported here was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through grant R305A160263 to the University of South Florida. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the U.S. Department of Education.
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Appendix A.
Students were asked to predict their test scores at three points in time. The prompts for each prediction are listed below, and complete materials can be found at OSF
Prediction 1 (immediately after the last practice problem). In 4 weeks' time you are going to take a 4 question test on this topic. How many questions out of 4 do you think you will get correct on that test?
Prediction 2 (immediately before the test). You are about to take a 4 question test on the topic of [permutations/Venn diagrams]. This will be similar to the practice questions you answered several weeks ago which looked like this: [sample problem like shown in Figure 1]. How many questions out of 4 do you think you will get correct on this test today?
Postdiction (immediately after the test). How many questions out of 4 do you think you got correct on the test you have just taken?
Open Research
Data and materials are available at Open Science Framework (OSF)